
I agree. I think it also needs to be cross posted to Deadspin.

this needs way more stars. jesus christ. 

Amen. Johansson and Evans really did an amazing job of selling how their relationship works in just a few short scenes: she’ll flirt with him to bust his balls because she can tell it makes him slightly uncomfortable, but there’s a mutual recognition that they’re essentially two different species as far as their

Man, that converstation in the car is one of the best scenes in the entire MCU. I think it captures what is so awesome about their chemistry (her jaded obsfucations, but hope for more/ his directness, and pure compassion for others.).

Hit menopause. *rimshot*

I’ve always fallen more on the savory side

The central alien mystery isn’t all that engaging and at times a little too confusing thanks to some choppy editing

Les Miserables would have been a lot shorter if Jean Valjean would have just explained that he didn’t know the bread was a sentimental item.

Gollum is obviously a game-changer for mo-cap, but to me the greatest achievement of any of the Peter Jackson films is Shelob. Maybe it’s the arachnophobe in me, but Jesus that thing is terrifyingly real. 

Probably just the ghost of an unvaccinated child.

It’s 2018 so I’m expecting a new “You come at the Colonel, you best not miss” KFC commercial by this time next week.

To be fair, this whole incident escalated due to a few missed periods.

That was pretty overtly hostile for Minnesotans. Typically it would read something like: “Ethel heard that she got pregnant from her brother-in-law and moved to California but don’t you know her kids Gina and Jay didn’t go with her! It’s not our place to judge but something’s not right about that.”

When asked why he was kicking the swans, Mantella replied “It’s my cygneture move.”

Why does Bourdain need to fuck off? You realize he was actually praising Michelle Wolf, right?

There is, however, one high-profile Democrat who seems willing to have Pompeo serve as America’s top diplomat: Hillary Clinton, who has reportedlybeen consulting with Pompeo for his potential stint in the State Department. Cool!

There’s definitely some easy comparisons to make between the structures and attitudes of the NCAA and those of the Catholic Church.

Old nun has bad habits.