
And Emma Frost doesn't get a mention once? :|

I know they're popular with us fans, but I really hope they catch the public's imagination (specifically the people who act like Korath does in the trailer)!

I predict that after Star Wars 7-9 make all the money currently in circulation, Disney will simply walk into the Fox offices and say:

I think what he meant to say was he didn't want to be Avenger 2's new Hawkeye.

The cellist storyline served more importance than merely separating the team, it establishes some background for Coulson beyond his parts in the movies, shows how much Coulson does trust Ward and Skye and doesn't trust May, it showed that "protocol" held them back(critically) even after Shield had basically collapsed

Christ. You will get one trillion cool points if this is true. So I hope you have a good cool point investment plan...

Lemme tell you what dialogue I expect based on this event ...

Anybody noticed Nicholas Brendon (aka Xander from Buffy) in Coherence? That made me smile.

What? You... I... ACDVFVFGGR

Yes, except having John STEWART Diggle, being the Green Lantern.

You're totally right. Coin is a mustachio-twirling caricature in the book, in desperate need of some fleshing out.

Wait... I've figure it out. Deathlok is not the endgame for Mike Peterson. It's just a stage in his metamorphosis. He's slowly turning into the greatest superhero of all times...

Roy Harper owns every red hoodie in Starling City. He wears a red hoodie in every scene (except at work or when he's shirtless). He was caught on tape busting up cops and ID'd as a man in a red hoodie. Is the little mask fooling anyone as to who the red hood/arrow may be?

The arena element is definitely crammed in, as some sort of half-hearted callback to the other books. But she doesn't go the distance, and have it be a funhouse-mirror statement about modern warfare, like having the Capitol film the traps, and seem more interested in making the conflict entertaining than effective,

Where Arrow is concerned, it should also be mentioned that in his video Q&A yesterday Stephen Amell (Oliver Queen) described the finale in three words: "Wait... he's WHERE!?"

I can't wait to know what he meant by that.

I don't think the confusion with the X-men Quicksilver is going to wind up being a big deal. I feel like the Quicksilver in DoFP is going to be a relatively small part overall, whereas he will be a major plot driving character in Avengers 2.

I don't disagree with you that everything seems a little too bright however, I also believe it works as a great identity aesthetic to counteract the pervasive "Nolan grittiness" that seems to be so ubiquitous these days.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed how "bright" Agents of SHIELD is. On the other side, this season of Arrow seems to have been shot in a deep dark cave.

I am about 90% sure that Quicksilver will be killed off in the second Avengers film. There is the confusion with the character's X-Men film appearance, Quicksilver's limited (albeit lengthy) history with the comic book team, and the need for a sacrificial lamb. His sister will live because the team badly needs a

I actually kind of love the lighting. Battles take place in all types of weather.