Except that you've preemptively dismissed her critics as 'small fedoras'. What purpose did that serve except to blunt and mute the negative reaction to her?
Except that you've preemptively dismissed her critics as 'small fedoras'. What purpose did that serve except to blunt and mute the negative reaction to her?
Abrams will just drop the numbering system all together. Next movie: Star Wars Into Darkness.
I feel like a screwed up buying a Chromecast. Unless a slew of apps comes out in a few weeks, I'll have to buy a Roku stick.
This is a very good point to be made here, and it's the argument to the original authors position. The original BSG took surface; character names, ships, the most basic of plots of a group of humans in space, and rewrote it into a show that bares little to no resemblance to it's former self. This could easily have…
Why don't you just include the alt text? What is this, Gizmodo?