
That's a FOV issue.

High frame rate does not give people headaches as others have also said, what gives people headaches is mostly the field of view often abbreviated to FoV.

That's a FOV issue, not an FPS one

I've never heard of headaches due to 60 FPS. Might be an issue with FOV?

Why are people constantly calling every stupid little thing a "Hack" these days. Stop It.

A thousand, hundred, million times this.

Kid Radd pretty much set the gold standard for a good webcomic.

Kinda weird that you didn't mention the GIMPshop mod which makes GIMP more photoshoppy.

I'm sure most of the people saying it would be easy are addicts. Most people who are addicts, don't realize they're addicts. That's why the first step do overcoming addiction is to admit you have one.

Forza 5 says differently.

We're actually in the process of melting this ice to make it habitable.

I love when people say they know for certain that the moon landings were fake based on the "shadows." People who have never taken a photograph, and spend roughly 80% of their time masturbating, playing Skyrim, or masturbating while playing Skyrim.

you can actually get the full resolution images 1920x1080 off twitter (theyre compressed though)

The Move is compatible with the PS4.

It might be 2 notes but there's a lot of variations and not simply 3 notes
