
Don't get me wrong, the sliding is what I may have gotten used to, everything else feels very awkward. Like shooting in the RE: Revelations demo actually hurt my hands. Something about the aiming with the slide pad while shooting and holding the right shoulder button didn't sit well with my hands and they got cramped

Oh yeah, there's some truth to that. :D

Ha, oh wow I once accidentally flipped the top screen forward as well. That was awkward. I'm like WOAH what happened, did I just close the system accidentally?

Same here. Especially the D-Pad position is pretty awkward and the slide pad requires a strange motion with the thumb that is somewhat straining, although after Mario Land I've gotten use to that at least.

True. In fact, I'm having problems with my 3DS, my hands get cramped up quite easily after a short time. I noticed that especially after playing the RE: Revelations demo.

Much appreciated!

Oh god, that is an awesome idea! Imagine an iron GameBoy that you can actually kill people with!

Eh, I'll wait. They'll build an ultimate bar a few houses down next year.

That almost looks like me playing Heavy Rain during the electric fence scene.

That wasn't a joke.

Same here, but you know what? A fighting game expert might say that if a button masher can beat me, maybe my strategy wasn't that well thought out after all.

Some very interesting ideas, I always love new ways to interact with games! I have a bunch of ideas to use the keyboard in new interesting ways, such as a game where you control a centipede and to move right you have to constantly write A, S, D, F, G, H, J, K (with both hands), or the other way around if you want to

I can see that, but you have to understand, I'm sitting 1-2 meters away from my monitor (at most). I admit, it's still not the same (I've used a 50" plasma before and played Alan Wake on my gf's brother's LCD projector and it was like WOAH), but it gets the job done. :D

Wahaha, yeah my monitor is surrounded by all sorts of cables, it's slightly unsettling, but hey, it works!

I don't have a TV either. I've got my PC, PS3 and Wii hooked up to my 24" monitor. I'll be getting a 30" Dell or something similar soon.

Yep, Steam sales!

Yep, same here.

Wait 3-4 months, buy it for 20%-30% less.

You can still use it. Either use a mobile browser or deactivate Javascript in your desktop browser.

Same here.