Adele forever. I alternate between the Hamilton album/Adele’s Carpool Karaoke when I’m getting ready for work in the morning. She is adorable and #CLASSYAF...100x better than Tswift, for sure.
Adele forever. I alternate between the Hamilton album/Adele’s Carpool Karaoke when I’m getting ready for work in the morning. She is adorable and #CLASSYAF...100x better than Tswift, for sure.
Her accent makes me so happy. She my favorite Brit potty mouth since eds and patsy
Pretty sure Adele is more valuable than any other artist in their roster so GET IT TOGETHER ALREADY, SONY.
THIS is super badass. Go Adele!
Adele is the biggest artist in the world right now and I wouldn’t have blamed her if she just stayed out of it but she didn’t. I have nothing but respect for her right now.
In that red gown she is KILLING that stage!
Yep. Fuck Beyonce’s bullshit act. Adele is the real deal.
Adele is the balls. So few female artists who are so wholly self possessed, and filled with enormous humour. Bonus is that she doesn’t get her tits out to sell records.
She’s priceless.
She’s such a badass. I love the idea of some Sony exec trying to get on her back for this and her shutting him *down* in her fantastic Croydon accent. “You fucking WOT?”
I've always loved Adele and now I love her extra hard. Women supporting other women is like nothing else.
I seriously don't get it. He's from Massachusetts, everyone is a sarcastic asshole here. How does he not have any sort of sense of humor?
I love how impish Stephen is though. Like, he KNEW Casey was being ridiculously testy and could have stopped that line of jokes to save the interview. But instead, he clearly wanted to push the limit of how ridiculously testy he could get this guy to be on television, probably partially out of principle and partially…
The meme is fine, its pretty easy to ignore if you want. It’s not racist, it’s not political, it’s not slanderous, its just an good looking California kid and his friend messing around with him about his outfits. No harm. Leave the meme alone.
Demi has a different view, based on the short glimpse you provided. I get her point. There are so many points of discussion when it comes to women dealing with men and power disparity. I’m not going to diss what Demi said .It sounds like it comes from real experienced pain. I get the feeling she has been treated…
I was wondering if anyone would bring up the apparent Patron Saint of this place.
“even with the most minimal amounts of talent, >>(whose father can buy them a record company for their birthday)<< anyone can be a huge star!”
I was never worried about that. I mean, T-Swift has done so much for women in the music industry with her career: she’s shown that even with the most minimal amounts of talent, anyone can be a huge star!
I have a visceral dislike for Taylor Swift and her convenient feminism, but I’m having a hard time getting indignant over the fact that she did something that will tangibly support Kesha while she figures out where to go from here.