moonlight won best picture. warren beatty screwed up reading the card.
moonlight won best picture. warren beatty screwed up reading the card.
Goodness, both fucking Affleck’s with oscars. To be a mediocre white man in America really is something after all. Fuck the oscars for fucking giving best picture to La La Land.
On Sunday evening, Casey Affleck, an alleged sexual predator, won the Academy Award for Actor in a Leading Role for…
The Trump administration is preparing to release its budget for the 2018 fiscal year and, if it passes as proposed,…
Last night, our meathead-in-chief headed to the Trump Hotel in downtown Washington, D.C. for a steak dinner at the…
This is what happens when keeping it real goes wrong.
Let’s not forget that this is a woman who sued Howard University for “discriminating” against her because she was white.
You know if you change “woman” to “Molding Tangerine” you could have a headline for oh, I don’t know, say four-ish years from now...
She’s like those people who say, “I identify as a black attack helicopter.”
After nine Charleston, South Carolina churchgoers were slain in 2015 by white supremacist Dylann Roof, the nation…
We all know Donald Trump’s favorite style of dining is watching D.C. manservant Chris Christie eat meatloaf against…
but I think - and hope - they’ll go, “Lol, you thought we were bad BEFORE?” instead.
1) Fuck Trump.
Yes. These anonymous leaks of classified information that must be investigated come from made up sources that should be ignored. What isn’t clear about that?
I’m speaking of our ‘we the people’ collective rock bottom. This is when we should be removing him from power. Alas, we won’t try until it is too late.
Them not writing about the administration in the same tones as Jezebel and HuffPo doesn’t mean they aren’t absolutely hounding them.
I dunno... The NYT has been ripping pretty hard into the Trump administration. What are they supposed to do, post Trump’s picture on the front page of every issue with the headline “This Fuckstick Is Fucking Hitler, Ya Dumb Shits”?
NATIONAL HARBOR, MD—Today’s dispatch is from CPAC, a wild ‘n sexy spring break for college Republicans:
Of course, the company didn’t phrase it that way because it would have to spend another $11 million cleaning up all…
Thank the good Lord that you’re not at CPAC.