
No, he has to abide by all fair use laws that pertain to the said content if youtube wants to function in japan.

You have all the right to be a journalist, make review and commentary, no one has disputed this. Where the line is crossed is when you include content without permission from the rights holders in your video, as they have the sole right to make money from the content they created. There is no such thing as fair use in

You can inform about a product without showing the product.  If you want the right to show someones elses content they worked hard to produce, you have to get the rights to do so.  In almost all cases, he could easily point people to the content to buy as a way to see what he is talking about.

No, Japan doesnt like when you steal someones content and call it your own. Theres nothing wrong with what they did.

If they wanted people to play, they shouldnt have been idiots and made a version so people on psplus cant have the game for free. I was waiting for it to go free on psplus to play it, now im just not going to play it. At least we get mortal shell.

It takes two name is not ok. You cant just name your game the same thing as someone else with an It added. It clearly is infringement. Even if the new game is better.

Just dont play, thats what i did.

There was nothing like it... it looks like a reskinned star fox...

No one should use streamlabs after this... no one.

I would suggest things like concordia, spice road/expansions and gizmos.

Im kinda glad i didnt play this game.  It looked fun, but it sounds like a glitchy mess.

I was mainly mad they installed these when a fixture broke becuase now i couldnt use a hue bulb in them.  I just wanted the fixture fixed, but they over did it and made it worse.

What a terrible list of games.

This looks like bloodborne, it moves like bloodborne, the weapon animations look exactly like bloodbornes, from a company that has no games that are nearly this quality... how sure are we that this isnt just reskinned bloodborne.

My wife micros some gnarly things in the wave without cleaning the inside of it regularly. It smells like the inside of a tauntaun. Why would i want my teawater to taste like luke mixed with a durian dipped in armpit?

I think what they need, is to give out free games every month like everyone else. Like switch games not previous generation games.

full refund is the only option

We already have this, its called amiibos.

Nft’s arent you own a thing. You just own a something that points at the thing.  The person who made the thing still has all the rights of owning the thing and you get to sit there like a chump thinking you own something.

No work fridays only works when schedules are adjusted to 10 hr days for the other 4 days. It sounds like they didnt actually figure out how to switch to a every other week 4 day week.