
Im sorry you have the incorrect definition of demonetize ads. Im sorry you dont understand how twitch doesn’t have to give a single cent of ad money to the people who make content. Im sorry that you don’t care about how twitch does their buisness. To me, thats all on you. And from the above, its extremely clear that

Shes still allowed to do what she is doing. They just arent going to pay for low quality content they dont have to pay for. It really goes beyond just the hot tub meta, and she really exploited the system with things like the brb, changing bikini. They really dont have to pay her a third of a million dollars for her

They decided not to deplatform her and allow her to have subs and still make a decent amount of money. If ads run, you do not have to share the money, giving money to content creators is based on who twitch wants to give money to, it never was contractually necessary. Twitch has the right to run ads and keep all the

They cant reward people who make slightly objectionable content with not having to have ads while all other channels have to have ads. They are still allowing her content which still will provide her with a very robust income stream. She did try to game the system too much, which is what happens when you play/define

Maybe its time to make something new.

They cant.  They can make their own subreddits, but they have no claim over the fanmade subreddits, only the top level mod does.

Pretty sure they still give her money, its just from subs and not ads.

It would be unfair to advertisers that dont want their ads on her stream, to have to keep paying her though. Either she makes content that people want to put ads on, or she doesnt. She was getting paid over a third of a million dollars each year off of ads.

Or don’t. There is nothing wrong with not monitising soft-core porn on twitch.  If they want to make these streams not make money from ads, just make it the rule.

Talk about it like you know its the chinnese or russians, or a hoaxter.

Pretty sure you will be able to get a much cheaper card version of this if you just want the ability to do this in game.

I always felt a little weird using so much oil, now i don’t.

Im gonna just say that i didnt know it was a repost, and the people at kotaku need to stop being lazy and write a new article if they want it to appear.

Anime is only specifically japanese animation, no matter what people who do not understand the anime industry think. Anime has nothing to do with how mature something is. Just because some of the Anime you have watched has been more mature, because the Japanese do not associate animation with just for kids, does not

No, its not allowed.

I don’t need my PS5 to have a web browser”
It seems like you don’t understand then how useful having a web browser on a game system is then. I feel like all game systems should have one in case you want to be linked to a change log/update notes. There should be the ability to goto a games website, or to a tip site

It wont happen, ppl would rather watch girls in hot tubs.

Im just gonna play a little devils advocate. There is some value in being able to side load apps. Computers havent become just a cesspit of shit, theres quite a lot of value being driven outside the realm of app stores, and maybe things would see advancement if more of the profit from developing applications on

Why are people talking about maritime law, when this is clearly a canal and it doesnt apply?

Do i have to google this for you?