
I'm sorry for your loss.

The art in Pyre is definitely superlative and even better than Transistor imo.
The costume design in Transistor is noteworthy as well, Red's ripped dress and jacket are amazing and would seem like a lot of fun to cosplay. That thought also marks the first time ever I thought "seems like it would be fun to cosplay".

I saw Duwease mention it before and mentioned Disc Jam then as well as it sounded similar. Now I looked up Windjammers and Disc Jam is EXACTLY like Windjammers, down to its angular special moves and standing-still-is-charging-shot (copyright pending). A quich google search already shows multiple articles on the

At the end of the game, I was hoping there'd be a sequel some day where they can expand and refine on the ideas and mechanics of the first. Seems like with some more variation and bigger levels, they could have something really cool.

I assume it means the same as to Britta it.

Good point and you're absolutely right.
Maybe my annoyance is partly due to how binary most of the big stuff and my choices in it felt. I enjoyed the verbal sparring with Cersei or the rival clan the most but not so much choosing events. It allowed me to choose what kind of person I wanted to be in this world. Will I

Yeah, the torture aspect of it was too much and those death animations in bad taste.
But the core gameplay, while derivative was solid and I had a lot of fun with it. I hadn't played Uncharted at that point (played TR on a borrowed PS3 from a friend) but the premise is similar which is why many people make the

I'd say you need to know the story of GoT yeah. If only because the game's story takes place in close proximity to all of the important locations and characters of the show. The game also uses some twists and events from the series to propel the game, most noticeably the opening.
My main argument is that the game just

I've cut the relevant games from my earlier post to keep the theme going!

I've only played Infamous: Second Son but that was a really fun game that didn't overstay its welcome. Short and sweet and so many cool powers too.

You should and thanks! I've played through the opening of NG+ and starting off with all your functions and level makes for a completely different experience. Apparently you can get copies of functions as well so that should be cool to play with.

Rewarding you with parts of their backstory by experimenting with Functions is also a great touch. I've read most of them twice as I find remembering which function does what easier if I know who they were before.

I've fallen victim to the sale as well. First there was the digital one and then yesterday, I discovered the summer sale. I got Rise of the Tomb Raider, Counter Spy, What Remains of Edith Finch, Shadow of Mordor and Return to Arkham as well.
My experience with a borrowed Batman Arkham Asylum was fun but short. I gave

That sounds like it has potential. Those cartoons about TLoU always cracked me up, and it seems like it could be in the same realm of the serious storyline clashing with silly gameplay conventions.

Currently watching Chappie on Netflix. It's not very good and kinda bland which I did not expect.
I like Jackman's haircut but find Die Antwoord distracting. Yolandi is def the better actor while Ninja just postures his way through every scene. Dev Patel does the best he can in it but looks miserable throughout.

I've re-started Transistor, finishing it once and will be going through my NG+ this weekend. The first time, it was too soon after Bastion so I couldn't enjoy it fully. While they are very similar in atmosphere, world-ending premise, POV and even the late-game-jump-tiles, Transistor takes a different approach to

Yeah, Supergirl went from generic to really good at times. The Flash from great to bad. Arrow just goes up and down and Legends had a surprisingly great second season after the first bland one.
But like you say, they all provide actual stories, lots of easter eggs and try to stay close to the spirit of comic books.

I don't detest the idea of this show as much as I do Gotham but still, hard pass.

I brought that game up as well. It's the only Mario game I ever played until Sunshine, thus leading me to think "this was what Mario generally was". Then I saw Super Mario World at a friend's house and was blown away by the world map and levels.

I've only ever played 2 Mario games, Sunshine and Super Mario Land, leading me to "not get the whole Mario thing" for years because as it turns out, they're the weakest of the bunch in their 3D and 2D categories respectively.
I still don't have any affinity for Mario and most of Nintendo (except Pokemon, I played the