Sector 7G-Wagen

Actually, the Ranger Raptor is $8330 less. (Destination included)

I find it off with all the regulations in the UK that he can rebuild cars and get them re-registered. In Alberta I have to submit before photos, have a repair plan that follows the manufacturers process, provide receipts for parts including the VIN of donor cars and then have it inspected. I had one fail because I was

Bruh. That looks like a futuristic bar of soap. The Zonda as it is has no bad angles.

Um, excuse me? I will not have any Zonda Slander here, this right here a beautiful machine.

You pump out thousands or millions of cars, you will produce some turds, Large scale manufacturing doesn’t keep its building processes that consistent that well over time to have never produced turkeys. It’s inevitable.

Title is fire, gave me a good laugh I needed today!

I agree, and I put the Mercury Maruader in a very similar boat.

Buddy of mine had one of these. Super comfy and great for eating highway miles, but had some gettup and a nice engine note when you gave it the beans.

Any shark-nosed BMW, but my personal fave is the M6

E38 7 Series

The 2nd gen Dodge Charger:

Every single conspiracy wacko I have ever met has been incapable of handling uncertainty, chance, bad luck, chaos and randomness. They are such control freaks that they cannot handle that bad shit just happens. Effing small minded cowards. 

The cause for the sudden loss of traction from the car has not yet been identified.”

The Chrysler 300:

As much time as I spend in my car I agree with you 100% about having nice speakers.  I also rarely use the sunroof and have had issues with cleaning out the drains that have caused water intrusion.  Frankly I could do without the sunroof and just put the windows down.

Also, this usually upgrades the infotainment screen as well. If we’re going to deal with a touch screen while driving, it better be a good one.

Agree to a point. I have the Burmester sound system on our Taycan. It’s probably just “OK” compared to some super high end bespoke system, but it’s far better than the mediocre Bose system, and very well suited to the quiet cabin of the Taycan. However, it does suck that the Bose is so crappy, since the premium for

If the sound of the premium system justifies the cost over the base system, I 100% agree with this. As someone who spent thousands upon thousands of dollars on premium aftermarket systems for multiple cars in my younger days, I learned there are several big issues commonly associated with the aftermarket route: reliabi

The two that I care about to pay extra for are heated seats - I’ve got back problems and I use them year round, it really helps - and satellite radio - FM reception in New England is poor in general and AM is fine for news, but doesn’t have much music. Forget cell service - it barely works around here, so streaming

A EFI system for my 1979 Chevy pickup. I decided the 21st century wasn’t all bad for old trucks. It was a fair bit of money but the improvements in starting, driving and probably better fuel economy made it worthwhile for me.