Of the many pressing questions raised by the Rachel Dolezal circus that was wrapped in a trainwreck and dipped in a…
Of the many pressing questions raised by the Rachel Dolezal circus that was wrapped in a trainwreck and dipped in a…
Sorry Not Sorry: Dreams, Mistakes, and Growing Up
Miller Lite is perfect for a festival. You can drink it in the sun all day, then all night, and never getting so drunk as to black out. You can wake up the next morning and do it again. Festivals are marathons and Miller Lite is equivalent to drinking water.
Yes but what does Klaus Knowmi think? I love that dude’s comments.
As a hospitality employee you know that there are some people who just come in to bitch. You can see it as soon as they walk in the door. Apparently, those people also visit the comments section...
Not if you’re assuming (incorrectly, but that’s beside the point) that they wouldn’t necessarily be great readers in English (yes, everyone, I have now been informed that English is Ghana’s official language, you can stfu about it) and expect it would take 10-15 minutes to go through the whole menu—not to mention…
Nope. Best practices for suicide reporting recommend not using “committed,” which sounds like a crime or, to religious communities, like a sin, and “kill yourself” is just insensitive, crude, and poorly phrased. “Died by suicide” is the phrasing recommended by mental health professionals and the American Foundation…
Welcome to Midweek Madness, where we go to George and Amal’s house for dinner, sit down at the table with them, and…
This actually highlights to me the problem with this kind of representation as Laverne Cox talked about on her blog. Caitlyn looks good, but she’s someone who can pass. Many trans women can’t, and glomming onto Caitlyn as way to show how progressive they are kind of reinforces the narrative that trans people need to…
I find it hard to believe that she is just now realizing the pressure women are under to look good. How could she have lived in that house with those women and NOT seen the lengths to which her daughters have to go to be “beautiful”? Or the constant criticism that they faced on a huge scale? She’s JUST NOW realizing,…
True and tangentially related story:
Are you stupid or illiterate?
Clover Hope is black tho?
This is the first installment in ongoing series about the makeup trends throughout the ages. Today we'll be talking…
I'm really happy for people who have that experience, and I'm totally in favor of the Facebook thing. But for some people, maybe more than we think, surviving a suicide attempt is a really sucky experience for which they are not grateful or joyful. The narrative that people will bounce back from a suicide attempt…
Do something! Anything! If you have ever heard interviews with people who have survived so called "serious" suicide attempts. The absolute gratitude and love that they have for their lives and the *immediate* realization that they were making a mistake upon attempting to take their lives. You cannot be *not* moved by…
Toronto girl here who has met him and has many mutual friends with him: he's actually a really nice, polite, normal guy who works hard. He was made fun of in HS though because he was really small before his growth spurt.
You guys...Lindy is joking. The hyperbole is for the sake of comedy. You're still allowed to like the trash that is Love Actually. You needn't sharpen the pitchforks against the lady who just brought cock bloctopus into to Lexicon. That would be wrong.