People are kind of giving you the benefit of the doubt but I gotta tell you...your post is extremely offensive.
People are kind of giving you the benefit of the doubt but I gotta tell you...your post is extremely offensive.
I’ve never seen it put this way but wow thank you!
Where did you get this?!
Anna how do you deal with writing about these batshit crazy people and keep your head on straight? Cuz i’m going exorcist head spin over here...
Is that an idiom? “If the cherries and berries are flashing”?
Yikes yikes yikes! Stay strong.
Real actual lol
Holy shit! These are all crazy! What do you say to other white dudes when they say white privilege isn’t real?!
this is not the face of a healthy 18 year old and I feel really sorry for her :(
+1 for use of the word ennui to describe waiting for the holiday season
I LOVED BACK TO SCHOOL ALWAYS! Even in undergrad. A new school year is like a blank canvas ;)
So I totally respect that you’re aware of your privilege but damn yo, it’s hard to appreciate these funny stories when my little brother (pretty dark Mexican kid) gets pulled over and put in jail for NOT being high.
In all seriousness, this situation freaks me the fuck out because it brings the crazy right outta people.
Double wall, fire moat idea is comedy gold. I love Stephen Colbert so much today!
Your reply is pretty much spot on... Can you write the recaps from now on?!
why does this article not have a title?!? it's so easy to skip scrolling through the sitee >=|
This response is perfect.
I would wear a knock-off of this dress!!
what in the ever loving... stories like these need to be on more American's radar.
In one word: capitalism. We're talking about generations upon generations of oppression of people of color that has generated billions and billions of dollars for a small percentage of Americans.