George Stobbart

Also reminds me of the moon in starfox.. Which terrified me as a kid, so I will not be looking for a screenshot.

then I digress.

They made it for xbox

That the RUF?

ladies and gentleman, I introduce you to.. Infinity +1

Reminds me of the pimp my ride Ford Escort

The button comment was for the bottom picture with dinero.. The other buttons look good upon furthur inspection

I wish somebody would reall nail these tiny clothes for once.. Yeah, they look like pants, but there is no fit to them, and the material just looks bulky,, kinda like a sack.. Same goes for the shirts/jackets.. and dont even get me started on the size of those buttons..

The profit they make is dependent on the volume that they sell. If they sell less 3ds because of the 2ds the manufacturing cost goes up cutting into their profit margin.

if it folded it would cut into the sales of the 3ds..

Am I the only one who thinks this is a brilliant business move?Of course there are the benifits of being able to sell to younger children, and the retail price is lower for parents to buy. The reason that it doesnt fold, is because if it did, it would directly affect the sales of the 3ds. not making it fold also makes

I have never used the kinect or felt the need to, however I like this. I feel as though real AAA titles stayed away from implementing the kinect because it would hit a smaller user base.. including the kinect from the beginning allows developers to actually think about it seriously while developing, as opposed to an

It just makes me feel like you are missing the point. There are enough games with "adult presentation", pokemon brings me back to a nice innocent childhood nostalgia that is rare to find anywhere else. I really think the tone is one of the key things that attracts me, and many other gamers to it. Its cute, its easy to

Never really got into DOTA, but my good childhood friend is down there now doing announcing.. I think he goes by the name LD

Also, it is interesting to see the performance of Assassins Creed liberation, to get an idea as to how this will play out. Assassins Creed Liberation moved 600 000 units (a huge sucess for the Vita). While these sales are good, and the margins are good given the strong online distribution on the vita, I imagine the

For me, weather or not this game gets the green light is a determining factor in the fate of the Vita.

I thought Heavy Rain was pretty revolutionary in dealing with this (honarary mention goes to the nomad soul.. also by quantic dreams... you die, and you become the next person who comes in contact with your dead body...) ,, however my answer goes to the original splatter house.. Maybe it was because I was so young and

You should really give The Roots and Tribe Called Quest a listen.

"Weddings are to make money for your future.. Not to pay for peoples meals." -Rage Inducing