that salisbury steak looks a lot like Tommy Lee Jones face..
that salisbury steak looks a lot like Tommy Lee Jones face..
Yeah but the fact that it's a Guy Fawks mask gives it way more gravity in this particular instance because they are being worn in parliament to prove a point. You know, because Guy Fawkes tried to blow up parole... Oh never mind whatever
I dig the Murcialgo, but the honest answer is a porsche carrera 4 in white with a stick.. The only time a c4 is acceptable.
That was a very long, very sad read...
Thanks for the well thought out response. Everything you just said made a lot of sense, apparently national geographic didnt have the full story. I think its refreshing to get such an apt response from a "videogame forum". Will be checking out the TED talk now. Somebody should really give you a star for going the…
Actually the Caucus Mountain region of Russia have the worlds longest lifespans..
How bout schenemu? Where the fuck is that game?
Yeah that's a big one.. It's been happening to me ever since the first tomb raider when you have to jump on those rocks before the t Rex.. And has been happening to me pretty much non stop ever since.. I think it's been getting a little better as of late though... But that could just be my imagination
How bout accidentally saving your game when you have no health right before a boss battle.. Happened to me before the dinosaur boss in Ninja Guiden and again in Deus Ex Human Revolution.. Both occasions made me quit on the games for a full week before going back for that perfect battle.. Almost quit all together..…
I guess only time will tell
thanks my friend, relieved to hear it wasn't a repost
it wouldn't attach...
How did you guys manage to cover all of CES without covering this bad boy? C'mon Giz, I rely on you to keep me up to date,, I had to learn about this from a friends facebook... FACEBOOK for crying out loud... get on point.
Am I the only one who thinks the defining characteristic of e old dart was that bad ass rear window.. I know it had its design flaws,, but then again so does naming a car "dart" wiout it's defining characteristic..
"trying for a long time to get people to stop thinking that creating Hulk Hogan's reality show is the coolest item on my resume." I think you could try a little harder.. you know,, by not having it be the very first (and last) thing you mention. But thanks for ruining the Hogan family,, it was quit the train-wreck,…
I think that the Vita doesn't really have that much to worry about. The last PSP wasn't marketed toward the casual gamer, it was marketed to us.. The people who think of gaming all day long, and would love to take them on the go with us. Words with friends is great for everybody else, but for me at least, I need a…
"The whole thing is built out of flat, layered sections of wood sandwiched together for strength." That sounds more like a veneer to me. If I remember properly, The splinter was made by turning the wood into pulp/fibre and then weaving them together a la carbon fibre... hense the woven apparence of the body.. this is…
I'll just leave this here...
it better have that rear window.. if it doesnt.. its not a dart