Cant argue with good advice
Cant argue with good advice
How is this good advice: "Black women who wish to get married should take one for the team." When this is what the article is about: "Over half of black women's marriages to black men end in divorce."
And here I was thinking it was their lack of a substantial game library.. go figure... but seriously,, how do you shoot yourself in the foot with games so badly with such a substantial backlogue of grade a franchises? I would love to see them launch with new smash bros. new original zelda, new mario bros, new mario…
ladies and gentleman, I give you our latest trend... "flailing"
haters gonna hate.
shouldnt you give somebody else a chance to answer?
At least until everything that is on DVD is available to stream..
"how much its subscribers love their DVDs".. You sure its not a matter of how limited the streaming library is in contrast with their DVD library? The only DVDs I bother to rent from Netflix are the ones that I really want to see that aren't available to stream.. pretty sure im not in the minority either...
okay,, his taste is beyond questionable.. but i actually like it.. dont know about the matt blue.. and while the lilac compliments the denim i dont know if id want purple in my ferrari,, but i am surprisingly unoffended by the use of "denim"
Okay, so hears the deal on second hand smoke studies.. guy "a" says,, show me the proof it kills, guy "b" says show me the proof it doesnt kill. There is no proof either way. The reason being, in order to gather any proof scientific studies must be conducted.. but these studies cant be conducted because they are…
isnt that what a Chimera is? you just confused me...
couldnt agree more...
@FlameCell: made perfect sense to me
needs more patina
i call it camel hump
Reminds me of this...
"With the conext of most rap lrics, I'd say those artist sare pretty narrow minded." -this is why he called you narrow-minded.. you should go home and listen to some Lupae Fiasco, dosage, or EMC.. might change your mind just a little bit.. Really listen to the words
@KamWrex: thanks for pointing that out.. hysterical... maybe he just really had to take a shit and said fuck it