George Stobbart

I was just overcome by a very strong desire to smack the shit out of those girls...

HAHA, dont get me wrong,, that was hysterical, I mean, who doesnt love watching a little kid get knocked the fuck out..

@Dezerus Richardson: dude, you just schooled me so hard it hurts.. last time i ever repeat anything my dad told me on the internets.

@AqueousBeef: for me its the other way around.. my hand rolled cigs are skinny and cylindrical, and my spliffs are cone shaped.. though i am talking about a spliff, not your average, poorly built american "joint"...

@cashews_for_all:Don't wanna be a troll, but for the record.. even though you misread gass as glass, glass is most certainty a liquid and not a solid. It is a very vey slow moving liquid. Thats why if you look at a really old house, the windows will be thicker at the bottom than at the top. The more you know!

i liked heavy rain...

guess im in the minority.. but this is stupid. I mean, ps2 was just one generation ago, and we already made the first one again on gamecube, and the graphics still hold.. so how many times do they want me to buy the same damn product?

@mrClint: I mad it to the very last part of the last scene without killing anybody...

Okay, so I just read through the comments, and I saw about 15 people saying do away with the penny, 5 bitching about the materials used, and 2 people pointing out the fact that dollars are so cost effective to make it doesn't really matter.

@ScaryMerry: For the record, we arn't all human trash, just most of us.

Stop victimizing the women who are nice enough to send us pictures of their boobs. Seriously, its shit like this that makes trying to convince a girlfriend to take "tasteful" photos of herself like a hostage negotiation.

@syaieya: yeah, i perfer to have fun, as opposed to hitting 60 in the quickest possible time.. plus im much quicker round the track on a stickshift..

@syaieya: how are we talking if neither f these have been approved or responded to by a star commenter?

@syaieya: yeah, they just need a more powerful manuel gearbox. and i guess theres no point in doing the r&d on something that wouldnt sell

Why the hell dont the american get manuel transmissions.. I just dont get the point of a small affordable roadster without a tick.. I mean maybe the SL because its a GT (though i still think it should have a stick), but the SLK NEEDS a stick. I always loved BMWs and despised mercedes, because BMWs had sticks and 95%

@Brian Ashcraft: that was the best topic changer ever.. well done sir