George Stobbart

@Kenofthedead: Yeah, prototype and infamous came out at the same time, and throughly confused me, as I couldnt really tell them apart.. thats more or less why i never gave either a chance.. but after reading this, i guess ill give it a shot..

at first I was all like, WOAH, im small! But then I was all like, OMG im HUGE!

that man loves his black turtlenecks

haha.. i cant wait to see the results (i took this a few weeks ago)

am I the only one that thinks this looks more cheap and flimsy than "wholly beautiful"?

where have I seen this before? oh yeah... google earth

okay, I was just poking around, and apparently this douche bag had a blog where he calls himself the 873 million dollar man. You can see him posing with police officers, eating steak dinners, going to the caymans, vacationing in vegas, driving around in a new mercedes s550, flaunting his place in the Guinness book of

Remember when hipsters used to be really clean geek/mods with interesting watches and glasses?

Sliding shit under your door isnt really breaking into your house though.. Wouldn't it have been more effective if they had a guy with a facial hair sitting on your couch when you got home, who would talk to you about how easy it is to break into your house and that you need ADT?

@Nivenus: Aliens? Mormans will believe anything....

@truthtellah: somethin you trying to tell us buddy?

@Jeramy Bailey: where i come from, there is no conversation quite as riveting as an in depth talk about submarine history...