George Stobbart

@SewerShark: he forgot to mention the 60fps video vs. the 30 of the 5d....

@Spartanical: exactly what I was thinking... sickening..

@voltaek: not giz,, gawker.. the amount of sleeze on gawker is just unbelievable... not the class of giz kotaku or jalopnik at all.. as a matter of fact it can be argued that fleshbot has more class

thank you for posting climb dance

my buddy has this paintjob on his individual m5... apparently its the only one..

what the hell is going on with her arm?? is that an elbow?? a hoof?? I demand answers..

" She was known as the "Hummer mom," because she often gave neighborhood kids rides in her 2006 black Hummer."

Wow.. wood paneling in a Halo game... believe it or not that image has gotten me more excited in halo than anything since the release of the second game.... It just seems refreshing and varied.. not that i dont like metal walls and doors that woosh open or anything...

and in 7 days, we all die...

@LaziestManOnMars: Nazis vs. U.S. robots huh? That sounds awesome.. I would actually love to see a post about that.

so let me get this straight.. a guy does a half-assed job photoshopping (largly) stock photos, and it lands on giz??

@Diode: why are you surprised? Writing and publishing a book seems like a huge pain in the ass. I definitely wouldn't expect each person in the world to have written a book..

I love how lucas is always the first to point out how instrumental his films have been in inspiring scientists/engineers...

"it's crazy that the brake and accelerator pedals are so close together"