
Courtesy of Ray Palmer?

I guess they’re going for an MS-13 look, but on La Beouf  it doesn’t even add up to MS-6

Counterpoint: it’s not great.

Even worse, I’ve heard from people who think repealing net neutrality will somehow “create more competition” on the Internet.

Guys, this article wouldn’t suffer from an update...

I know, right! It’s like that guy can’t get enough of being scrutinized by the public for lying for and about the racist administration, now he’s trying to milk it by “writing” a terrible book!

Josh Hader understands Sean Spicer. 

Yeah, Spicer should just accept he’ll never be successful.

I fully expect that if Trump’s tweets were to actually get him in any trouble, he would vehemently deny that he ever had any control over the account, and even if he did control the account, he was just kidding, and even if he wasn’t kidding, they were just words and words can’t hurt people, and even if they did hurt

Good. I loved the book (THAT ENDING! still fucks with my head - don’t want to spoil it, but if you read it YOU KNOW), and am enjoying the show. But once it is over, that’s ok, too. And how good is Patricia Clarkson?!?!?

“This is wonderful, completely clears the president of any wrongdoing, and in fact, proves his innocence!”

Yeah, you know...the same way Dahmer was an eating people pest. 

In this case, Trump said there was no “colusion” which is, technically, correct since “colusion” is not an actual word. MAGA?

Teaching Latin generally provides a strong foundation for becoming multilingual, because it’s an effective way to teach grammatical concepts, roots, and inflection. We already primarily teach Spanish (and French) in public schools, which is why the standard of bilingualism in the US tends to be a fraction of

Counterpoint. I took Latin as my language in high school and found that doing so has made it easier to learn other languages that are related to Latin.

I’ve always hated fun.

I don’t see how you can be missing their music considering how inescapable their (perfectly fine) hit seems to be. 

I’ve always hated fun. because of Nate Ruess’s singing, but the name certainly doesn’t help.