
Shut it! SHUT IT!!!!

Are you trying to throw a hex on it?! Shut up and don’t speak again until 2016 is over.

When I look at people like Bannon, Conway, and Giuliani, I wonder if, in 30-40 years their names will be used by a future generation the way we use the names Himmler, Goebbles and Reifenstahl.


He’s more like the purehearted heroine of a trashy romance novel that gets blackmailed into some steamy bdsm by some billionaire playboy.

Mnuchin and Two Chin

I really wish people would stop treating racism and misogyny as “a different side of an issue” or as a “different point of view”. Not every topic has two valid sides. If you’re talking about child molestation, you don’t go out and find people who believe molesting children is totally ok and treat them the same way as

.......they deliberately invite guests that represent a wide range? Ok so invite Ted Cruz or fucking Glenn Beck. Invite Jeb Bush for fuck’s sake. Goddamn people.

Wow, you’re right! We must make society aware of who the true winner is here! ;)

Don’t get distracted anyone. Don’t be distracted away from his conflicts of interests and corruption by this tantrum! He did the same thing about Hamilton when he paid off his fraud case.


Just waiting on him to ask for a do over.

Only way to be sure.


If anything it was that people in democrat heavy urban areas had to wait hours to vote while republican rural (and many rich republican leaning suburban) districts had little to no wait to vote.

It KILLS him that she slaughtered his fat ass in California and NY.

Seeing as he is the king projectioner, I’d have to agree.

I mean if there is this massive voter fraud I don’t see why he would have an issue with a recount.