
One barista wrote “Turnip” on the cup.

I totally second that. NastyBeeAtch, you need to copy paste that sucker.

I really want to see this conversation.

“Did you hear what those Dixie Chicks said about our president? Let’s buy their albums and then burn them, that will show them!”

And the statement is, “I am a fucking moron. Spit in my coffee.”

One could draw the conclusion that those who vote Republican aren’t the sharpest pencils in the pack, are they?

We call that Freedom Foam.

This is not a “protest”, it’s a statement!”

They do realize they’re setting themselves up for a whole lot of spit in their coffee, right?

I refuse to believe Pence follows baseball. I can’t live in a world where he and I love the same thing.

Oh sure, Takei’s later success in life makes up for the thousands of lives ruined....Japanese-American businesses that had to be sold, homes that were bought for pennies on the dollar by Caucasian profiteers.....entire family fortunes lost.....all so Takei could become a successful actor!

You’d prefer that elected officials just lie at will with no one pointing it out?

Then don’t click on the blatantly political posts. Clicks = ad revenue, so if you don’t like them, don’t make them profitable.

I mean, obviously. And also, free speech.

Holy fucking shit. The horrible thing is, as a parent and someone who has always kind of hated and feared teenagers, I get the screaming and freaking out. But NOT the racial invective. That woman had no business ever becoming a teacher.

Yelling racist epithets and death threats upon children.

I think Trump has found his Secretary of Education.

I bet he watched the movies and rooted for the regime.

The logistics of this civil war are going to be interesting.

Probably not influenced by The Hunger Game; it’s above his reading level.