

Lindsey Graham, voice of reason? As a former resident of South Carolina, I have to wonder just how far have we sunk as a nation for Lindsey fucking Graham to be considered a voice of reason.

I’m starting now to talk up Warren in 2020

“Yeah Trump may be an ill-tempered, stupid, spoiled man-child with less than zero idea what the fuck he’s doing, but do you know that Obama is black”

Harry Reid seems so milquetoast, and then when you least expected it he came out swinging.

Perhaps, instead of commenting here, in perhaps the bluest of blue comment sections in this country, an echo chamber if there ever was one- you should drive up to Chelsea (no, not Admiral Hill, but Chelsea) or Lynn, and volunteer at a homeless or battered women’s shelter for poor immigrants. They are the ones who need

Uh, don’t forget the 12 women that accused him of sexual assault that he’s promised revenge against.

You know, here is something. Rosie is entitled to Irish citizenship because her dad is from Donegal apparently. If worse comes to it, she can get out. Even though she is very cheesy and embarrassing about Ireland at times. Like to the point of annoying. But hey, the offer is still open regardless. OR Donald may

KKK guy teaming up with a socially liberal Jew... Why not! I believe anything can happen at this point.

Man, that was still the most “WTF?” moment of all 3 debates. He just spit out her name from nowhere. At least when he said he’d think about accepting the election results it was an answer to the moderator’s question.

You mean beating Duke/Stern by 2 million in the popular vote yet somehow mysteriously losing the electoral college...

Yes, I know.

England doesn’t have “federal” judges.

Since he has vendettas, I fully expect that Rosie may go out like Marlyn Monroe, stuffed full of drugs that no one had taken since the 50's.

Gah. And you wonder when, when, if ever, Trump’s minions will get it. What are the historical comparisons for this? Other than Hitler of course.

The media bent over backwards to be “balanced”, because one minor scandal must of course be equal to multiple scams and white supremacy.

Trump using the full power of the presidency against journalists that are critical of him is a frightening thought. Sadly, a fear that isn’t entirely unfounded.

I think it’s clear that it was. Then I faxed it into Kinja.