It might have been more of a surprise if Sherlock didn't do the exact same thing a few weeks ago.
It might have been more of a surprise if Sherlock didn't do the exact same thing a few weeks ago.
Check out her appearance on Seth Meyers the other night:
Except, no, because that undermined everything that came before it.
Dunham did a good job of conveying both perspectives, but I agree with Joshua that having Chuck twirl his mustache was the lazy way to go.
I appreciate the thoughtful response.
That's a lot of words you typed that don't really say anything, but okay.
One would hope. But that could also ignite Civil War II: Rise Again.
Yeah someone should point out to him that those Insiders — people he hired — are the ones doing the leaking.
Not if it muzzled him.
Beat me to it by 5 seconds. ;)
Wow, I did not know that, thanks.
Serious Question:
You realize that the Bernstein of "Woodward and Bernstein," — you know, Carl — shared the byline of CNN’s "Fake News" Russian piss document story, and when CNN expanded their investigative department post-inauguration, they put him in charge of it.
I knew President Smidgen Dick was possible the day I happened to see the comment section on their story about how Malia Obama was taking a year off.
I think Maher is still an important voice on occasion, despite John Oliver making REAL TIME irrelevant.
NAMBLe on, shitstick.
If that's true, it is never going to be "Age of X."
Legion wasn't a character in AOA as much as an inciting incident. The Netflix shows, save Jessica Jones, have thousands of pages of stories that shape fan perception of the characters.
Or he'd be perfect to use on the show for that very reason.
Sure they have a wealth of underutilized characters, but they're burning through villains pretty fast. Supposedly they are going back to the Dark Phoenix well with the next one.