Secret Bastard

That's only if you believe Affleck thought there was any way HBO would really let them spend their own money. The HBO guy confirmed it couldn't be allowed to happen. So it's equally likely to have been shrewd politicking.

I was going to ask how many of them could pass for Heather Locklear, but I suppose that isn't a prerequisite at all.

It needs verses about putting babies in Vanessa Marcil and Megan Fox.

The MELROSE PLACE one has the Yellow Power Ranger playing Heather Locklear.

Points for bringing back the Tiffani-Amber Thiesson from the SBTB movie.

This show is more insulting to geeks than THE BIG BANG THEORY.

I hate that this show has become so much less than the sum of it's talent.

How does Adrianne Palicki keep getting better looking?

Strand needs to be doing Old Spice commercials.

I like that whether you take Brown's side or Farrelly's is going to be based largely on the perspective you bring to it, as I'm sure comments here will prove. Kudos to the editors.

The Doctor and Davros here are both running so many plans inside plans
that it’s hard to tell if either has a single honest moment with the
other, and that’s a shame given some of the episode’s best moments come
from their interactions.

Davros: Doctor, help me take this mask off.
The Doctor: But you'll die!
Davros: Nothing can stop that now. Just for once, let me look on you with my own eyes.
The Doctor: No, you're coming with me. I won't leave you here. I've got to save you!
Davros: You already have, Doctor. You were right. You were right about me…

If this was a new Skaro, how did the ancient Dalek graveyard sewer get there? If they are made to run like Energizer Bunnies, wouldn't there be relatively few dead Daleks, compared to the sewer the original planet had?

Hopefully the best comparison this has to THE OFFICE is that the awkwardly unfunny Pilot isn’t indicative of the quality show it will evolve into.

After all, it’s not as if this was a “gotcha” moment caught on tape; it was a scene that was deliberately shaped and edited a certain way on a show produced by Matt Damon.

Nah. Not even in his weight class.

The Prequels work better if you look at the 6-film saga not as the Rise, Fall and Redemption of Anakin, as Lucas wants you to, but the Rise of Palpatine, the greatest Villain in the history of cinema.

Forget Original Trilogy and Prequel Trilogy.

Someone saw FURY ROAD.

The daughter has some pipes though.