Secret Bastard


The really hired the perfect, punchable face child actor to play that tall jerky kid.

I wonder what the long game is for this show. It has to bring it back around to the post-BB era eventually, presumably with some kind of angry party searching for him in the flashforward, B&W time period.

I only vouched for Sinestro Corps.

Marvel doesn't release their sales figures, digital or otherwise, but claim that MS. MARVEL digital downloads outpace it's print totals. If you choose not to believe them, that's certainly your right.

You are totally right. It was a lot more complicated than that, but I was a coward.

Which part is not cool? That it was so strange seeing what was going on in my brain being played out on my TV a few hours later and expressed that surreality here?

Yeah you totally didn't read it.

I copped to all of that from jump. I don't have the right to feel bad about it. I'm not sure that I even do.

EDIT: Because this isn't fucking LiveJournal.

Is there a name for those Napoleon / marching band-looking jackets? I think I could rock one like a champion.

"Today I am 100 years old! Send over all the space whores you've got!"

When the book first became a Thing I legit thought it was about Granny fucking.

She was on the last episode of NEW GIRL as Damon Wayans Jr.'s new love interest.

Jesus, BILLION DOLLAR SLAVE is fucked up, Black History Month or otherwise.

DC's current readership is like those people that continued to give George W. Bush positive approval ratings at the end of his term. They are the rock solid base that aren't going anywhere.

Johns gets props for taking an "Oh, Shit! Why Didn't I think of that?!" idea that had been hiding in plain sight — the Sinestro Corps — and building an epic space opera out of it. Had the GREEN LANTERN film followed that roadmap it could have been WB's most lucrative franchise.

My point wasn't that people should get caught up in the # of Robins, but that it was an example of what a clusterfuck the New 52 was. Things like that were completely avoidable, and they should be embarrassed about it.

Before I came into their lives they… eh, I can't do it.

Here's how to fix DC: