Second Deck

and trade Steph to the Pistons for Reggie Jackson.  

I absolutely love that players are starting to do this. Good for them. Fuck the NCAA and fuck these hypocritical self-righteous millionaire coaches.  

This is a bad take and you should feel bad.

crazy laid? wife? what lavish universe are you living in?

I think we’re all positive that Andrew Wiggins is not a franchise superstar.  

Should be filed under Who’s disgusting chin/neck is this?

So in other words, nah, not really, just stuff you’ve already paid for already.

I don’t personally use Netflix streaming much for movies, because I tend to buy the movies I really want to see, and am that 1 person that still gets discs from Netflix, since their streaming service, and basically every streaming service, is pretty terrible with selection for movies.  I do utilize Netflix though for

I always find it fascinating the things that people have difficulty suspending belief on in a show about zombies.

I assumed it was an allusion to the whisperers.

Yeah I don’t understand why anyone would have a problem with a dude standing in a stall with the door open.  If it’s closed I’d be more concerned about what is going on in there if he’s standing up.

For the sake of basketball fans everywhere though, we’re all extremely happy that the Suns did not draft him.

I don’t know why more people don’t have a problem with these piggly wigglies defacing the flag in that way.  No, you aren’t more important or better than anyone else in this country.  

huh, that will be interesting not writing in memoir fashion of a privileged rich white girl trying to make it in the big city.

Bravo Kirk, amazing snapshot of this game. I was already super excited to play it and this just made the anticipation even greater.

As a Lions fan, I’m thankful for Snacks, but how on earth is a 5th round pick the most the Giants can get for him?!  

Pretty racist article at worst, tone-deaf at best.  

Cut it out Becky

I would say there would be political tension regarding my state’s (Michigan) water supply, but we’re already giving it away to Nestle for free to bottle up and sell, all because they agreed to employ about 150 people.  

Yep, with Canada, they just poutine their time, and go home.