
Not if you want to lock both your keys and your phone in the car.  Presumably to go skinny dipping.

I’ve always chalked that up to how they were trained — to ask for things in a certain order.

“But I wasn’t the kind of woman he’d disrespect that way! I’m one of the good ones! Ow, somebody get this leopard off my face.”

I am not looking forward to the waves of sympathetic, reformed-Cletus safaris we will be treated to over the next couple of weeks (months if Biden ends up winning). Trump’s first appearance in the New York Times was about him being sued by the DOJ (Nixon’s DOJ, for what it’s worth) for racism. His political career was

Yes, this is incredibly annoying. ;)

Number 18 is so much bullshit.

I get it. A lot of the writers on here are too young to remember when cars like this were new. I am. Bottom line? These were great big pieces of shit. Especially this era when GM somehow managed to make a engine coolant that would rot the entire coolant system out. These were made during a sad era of American

Because what is more American than ordering something healthy like salad and then smothering it in bacon bits, croutons, and creamy dressing?”

This shit is nuts

“Friends say this move has turned into a nightmare,” the source says. “This is the toughest period they’ve had so far without a No Doubt.”

God, I had forgotten this book, but it’s so baseline that you forget it because you forget learning how to tie your shoes. You just tie your shoes.

This book taught me so much even bofore I hit puberty. I feel pretty lucky to have been given it as required reading. RIP Ms. Hite. Thank you starting me out with the tools to figure out my sexuality.

Apropos of nothing, she has gorgeous coloring. I think red hair is like money in the bank.

Let us just be thankful Villeneuve didn’t do what I would have done, cast Jared Leto as Leto.

Was it that much slower than the original Floyd, though? And the name of the song is “Brain Damage”.

Unfortunately Chadwick’s story rings true. My mom died of cancer about two years ago after battling it for about three years. Was feeling fine* at Thanksgiving, so-so before Christmas, and passed away a few days after New Years.  So it can happen quickly.

My dad died of colon cancer over 30 years ago at 49. He had a tumor explode in his colon (after ignoring multiple signs), sending cancer all through his lower body and then eventually going into remission. Almost 6 months to the day of him getting cancer, he had a massive coronary that required him to have emergency

Wow that’s kind of awful that he didn’t know he was really going to pass until a week before? Were doctors or people just making it seem like he was going to be OK instead of revealing to him what was really going to happen?

The punchy, Ariana Grande-wannabe track

“We’re thinking of a catsuit,” and I thought, “Okay, you can guys can keep thinking that way.”