
When I opened up this article, my first thought was “they forgot Battlestar Galactica.” But oh yeah, it ended with them moseying through a grass field...

Just when I didn’t think I could get any more depressed about Winds of Winter, here’s a fun fact I read the other day: all eight seasons of the GoT show will have come and gone between books. (IIRC the show premiered a week after GRRM turned in Dance with Dragons).

Second for Star Trek: TNG. There were no few episodes in the seventh season of The Next Generation where the writers were clearly phoning it in. And ten minutes in to the last episode (entitled, appropriately enough, “All Good Things . . .”), I had some serious doubts about the last episode.

My enjoyment of this show grew exponentially when I stopped expecting it to be a good story, and started just enjoying it for dragon stuff and also sword fights. The show is still capable of beautiful character moments, but on the whole is just connecting various dragons and explosions and Starks hugging with a bunch

I’m pretty sure that doing something unimpressive and forgettable that still inspires eighteen thousand thinkpieces a day on The Ringer is basically the ending the show deserves. 

Late reply, but you just brought me back.

11/22/63 is truly wonderful and I highly recommend it. 

Replace them the next time the customer comes to the store, like a responsible manager would.

Yep, I’ve thought about getting one of those mini-packages for the local hoops team, but after factoring in parking, concessions, and the general hassle of Attending An Event, it’s just not worth it, especially when they’re on TV.

That’s... wild to me. Like, I can understand it with certain manufacturers — specifically, Japanese manufacturers who offer very few different factory options / packages — but for most manufacturers, you can configure cars from the factory in thousands of different ways. The odds that a dealer will have the exact

In 2019, next to a MAGA hat, is there a bigger red flag than a middle aged white guy with a goatee?

oh goody, now *I’m* depressed. 

I’m also wondering how many casting couch situations she endured....

I think this is what people are missing. Boomers and the generations before them were the types to hide family dysfunction behind the veneer of civility and normalcy. As long as you looked normal to the neighbors, everything was okay. Things were literally so fucked up back then that they can’t comprehend more nuanced

A nice reminder that no matter how beloved a celebrity is, they’re still all a bunch of idiots.

There were also a lot fewer people back then. And a lot fewer multiplexes; you wouldn’t have had a Cinemark 20 dedicating four rooms to “Gone With the Wind” in 1939.

“Three is the number of the counting, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, nor shalt thou count two, excepting that thou then proceeds to three.”

Or it could be a perfect opportunity to gaze into the rotten core of our soul as a nation and do something meaningful about gun control instead of just accepting that we need dystopian drills like this in the first place.

I don’t want to come off as sexist, however is that why there’s often a line at women’s rooms? I go into a restroom for one purpose. A clean restroom is important to me ,but not as some sort of refuge if I don’t like where I am I wouldn’t be there in the first place.

So, there are two very different aspects to this article: