
I’m not lip-reader, but it looks like Drake said.. “Nice Try”?

I had to read that part of the article for several times to understood what was being said too... 17 first-half points... 17.5? 24 points in 15 seconds.. what?....

There’s also the fact that he’s doing the run in singapore... where the humidity is choking.. walking around outdoor at noon for 15 mins = profuse sweating... no need to run

Maybe the money was used to bribe certain high ranking officials in Asia for the release of one of the Balls? ... or paid to a certain someone to retain his service as “negotiator” (which was denied by the Balls after the fact)...

You do remember that metro exodus was available to preorder in steam for months until the last week before release. Then the hammer dropped, 1 year exclusive.

Yeah.. that’s what they said about Metro Exodus too

Steam a year later?

They listed PC on the platform availability ... it’s probably placeholder for Epic store again?... *sigh*

This is the worse news than the article above

Exclusives, or TIMED-exclusives? This makes a big difference, and I think it should be stated specifically.

So... just to be clear, why wasn’t this an issue when Kobe was named allstar every year?

The bigger story was last Sunday, when a fan of a visiting team got beaten up to death outside the stadium by a mob of home team fans

Did you try placing the radiator outside the casing? I think it should help the cooling a lot.

That was Jason not Kirk

Good to have you back Fahey!! Stay away from snacktaku for now

Missed opportunity... I would at least play with the logo

A couple that I played until finish is nemonemo picross, and picross luna.. their controls were tolerable

I have some on my phone, but only a few of them actually has a good ui.  Those grids get ridiculously small in later levels

I wonder if they’ll dare to put the recipe for strange meat...

I wonder if they’ll dare to put the recipe for strange meat...

I just posted that too before I saw this