Deadspin in Carbonite (& Jezebel & Kotaku now)

From a couple weeks ago:

free stuff? Libraries? SOCIALISM!!!

I am actually ROOTING FOR the Matrix to live in another timeline. If the Matrix is STILL in the 90's, then PLUG. ME. IN.

I seriously thought that movie was made up when I read your comment. Then I researched it. It grossed 13 thousand dollars lol! There are lemonade stands that do better.

I was in Roatan last month and they were filming the next season of Love Is Blind at my resort. We watched the finale interviews from our balcony. Bugs, torches, melting makeup, over animated hand gestures -It looked like a horrible experience. I would rather be on that show than own a fisker.

See Also: Natives war on kind British colonizers!

DeSantis’ appointees are not beholden to the last-minute adjustments to the plan that Disney slid in place just before the takeover. It also means that the development agreement and restrictive covenants that were installed after the takeover are not valid either. Both parties have now agreed that a comprehensive plan

I will never understand how I get myself to see these. I am always ELATED to get out of the theater after I see these. I hate this shit. See you in August.

Relatives of mine are selling crap they should toss or donate to goodwill for $5-$10. I can’t imagine setting up a meet to sell some of the stuff they are trying to sell.


Has anyone checked on the antivaxxers that claimed they had the shakes from a dose? There were videos where they would shake, but their head would stay focused on the camera. It was awesome.

In college this song came on while driving in an ancient roomates suby. He did the dance and it was magical college moment. 

Interesting...this doesn’t seem to be The Onion but yet, it is?

My former employer’s G4 was rented by a member of the Samsung family for shopping trips. She also hired a chase plane for her purchases. Those who track these are going to get bored fast.

How much did Boeing save by pursuing this outsourcing/move to non-union states etc. path vs. the lost value for ...everything from planes to future orders to public good will?

You never know if there is someone as dumb or dumber than AJ Dalerio who happens to get on the stand ANYTHING can happen. It would be hard to top his stupidity though.

How to re-elect Trump, STEP 1:

Put it in the water supply. 

I am. Or are you looking for more than one person? We were told a Tron 3 was likely, then Marvel took off and it got waaaaaaaitlisted. Last night my oldest was watching a behind the scenes -Tron documentary on the newer Tron ride on Disney+ and was thinking how great it would be to see Tron 3 back in action and now