Deadspin in Carbonite (& Jezebel & Kotaku now)

Eh, they did awhile ago and made mistakes on stage. The Talking Heads however are making waves with photo ops, playing on late night tv and rumors around Vegas.

I’m sorry Spotify’s play lists have been shit for about two years. They were great at one point -introducing me to new artists regularly. Now, regardless of the playlist I select, I get probably the same 100 songs. If I listen to Future Islands today, they will appear in every list under their “top mixes” (i.e. Indie

My kids are already wondering about that broken down Star Destroyer as a lego set. Great episode. Plenty of eye candy and new doors opened as others were closed. I am more concerned about the space whales than any characters however.

Agree. Face helmet was very unStarwars like.

Rock itself was born from black musicians. By adding his own white hierarchy and publishing based on his name and magazine, he is (ineffectively now) trying to claim it as white. It is not new and it will happen again.

They fixed the seatbelt issue in later models. It was LOUD on the highway however. The input to plug in an Ipod was lightyears ahead of anybody else. 

I was a target demographic as well. Mid 20's in mountain area. On a couple occasions fellow skiers slowed down to watch me gear up in the parking lot with the fold up table etc. IT was fantastic, but slow, and I am POSITIVE the designers NEVER drove it as the seat hurt everyone’s back after 45m, and even my fellow

Who do I speak with to get more photos of this spectacle. My BIL is a burner who took this year off, but had to remind us of how he wasn’t there.

QUICK! Someone write a story about an ai book about a book and a fire and it being taken down human overlords!

Thank you. My mind was doomscrolling to Georgia law being rewritten days before he were to finally serve a sentence.

A world full of stars -but alas, I can only give you one.

Isn’t this the guy who played Robin Hood? The superhero socialist who stole from the rich to give to the poor? Is he making money from residuals from playing Robin?

Yes, just follow the submarine business model, work way down Forbes list.

I just need USB-C. The cord situation in my house must take precedent over what anybody else, anywhere needs.

Is he referring to his neighborhood decibel rating? Pretty sure that does not extend to across the street to another parcel with different zoning. 

I grew up in a gated community in Ft Myers. This is 100% of what they worry about. While Florida has miles of beaches, it has infinitely more strip malls (mostly empty/gift shops that turn over every 18 months). 41/Tamiami Trail is the epicenter of strip mall hell. This is their paradise.

I lived there until 9th grade. I thank my parents regularly for getting me out. Beautiful beaches? Yes. But the layers upon layers of strip malls to get to them is like a nightmare from Inception when the city rolls over on itself. No money for anything useful (schools etc) but PLENTY for a new baseball stadium for

WC3 never recovered from WOW and the WC3 remake had such bad reviews I decided not to ruin my memories. I am here for that team, but the free to play always makes me nervous as well.

Cool Cool. I usually forget I have the ascend ability. My 7yo told me to use rewind when rocks were being thrown at me.

It really is a great article linked. Sadly this jumped out: