Deadspin in Carbonite (& Jezebel & Kotaku now)

Oooh. Sounds like a password recovery process may occur in my near future.

Kind of bummed. I just started using Twitter daily to follow the war in Ukraine this year and am was enjoying the insights from numerous intelligent sources.

WHAT are they building!? I kept looking for clues that they are KX security droids that Cassian is going to program one into K2SO to escape but the color and parts seem off.

Any number of steps or miscalculations and we may not have had these images in our lifetime. Absolutely amazing.

It was spectacular to see Robert Redford in Captain America. I think this will be just as awesome. Something about actors who were once too serious to reprise roles, take them on and others when they hit a certain age it seems. 

I for one am all for him dumping his money into this. Its working out just perfectly for TFG and all the backers and future buyers of that social medium. 

Uh oh...looks like Chip and Dale sequel will have Mario butt teaming with Sonic teeth.

We are going to lose him to a stunt someday aren’t we. It is the only feasible option given he doesn’t seem to be aging. 

I’ve been in cities where the passengers disembark. There is a huge gasp of relief when the passengers return to their mall for the evening. Keep them on the boats and off the beaches is the correct take.

Came here to say this. Also, pools do not decrease the value here in my neck of the woods -which as short summers and rainy everything else. This is dated BS. 

BRING BACK CYBERBALL! -I swear my robots would overheat if I did not upgrade during halftime.

Switched back to calming warm manual wet shave during pandemic -and not going back. Completely forgot it doesn’t have to hurt when shaving 2-3 day growth.

So when somebody puts their luggage in an overhead sideways vs. wheels in or out, you let that traveler take up 1/2 the overhead compartment and place your crap a couple bins behind your row, -you know because you “Don’t mess with other people’s stuff”. -Got it.

ALOT to unpack in that 30m it will go from 25k mph and HALF the heat of the sun to landing in the ocean.

I feel like this essential knowledge should be in the article. 

Thank you!

IF his attorney was aware the texts existed and did nothing to tell the defense they existed are they also culpable?

I remember as a young driver I got a flat on 290 during morning rush hour. I called my dad in a panic (we have a no change flats on busy roads rule) and he made it clear not to get off the interstate and roll into Oak Park -IDOT will be there. 20m later IDOT had me on my way.

I was thinking the gap between the ending of this and the start of Mandalorian is much shorter now. We will survive.

They “lessened” the loss by cutting employees!