Deadspin in Carbonite (& Jezebel & Kotaku now)

Make planes open like falcon doors like Delorians or Teslas X. Deplane from one side while the next passengers board from the opposite side. Just like rides at Disney.

As an 80's kid, Boba was my favorite SW figure. In EVERY Boba scene I dreamt those mini rockets on his legs fired off to defeat whatever enemy he faced. When they shot off in the Mandalorian episode, I had a massive release -like I was seeing a dream I never thought I would see. I can make it to the end of the year.

I rented and learned so much that I am no longer interested in buying most rigs. Most important to me I learned my must haves:

There is plenty of incentive for taking alot of money for months at a time and not having to do anything with it. While it would count as a liability, it is still cash that can sit gaining interest.

EVEN TV IS FOR THE ELITE NOW!? I mean it is literally IN THE AIR. NBC football games, SNL, Fallon etc ALL OF IT is IN THE AIR! How can watching something on Netflix be a chore? Does your version have time slots to watch the shows? BECAUSE THAT WAS A CHORE. Hit traffic while trying to rush home to watch Tim Allens show

Isn’t the current Tundra hood scoop fake? 

Please tell me the astronaut piloting one of the shuttles is Capt. Will Ferrell.

Hack screen with characters creating landscape and King George asking if I remember how I got here.

Sorry, you (like us) are in the wrong timeline for such solutions. 

I usually tell myself that there is someone else with a better seat and better camera and they will surely post it to youtube for me to watch later. Usually I am right. But I do record the crowd if they are particularly fun to remember the atmosphere.

stupid kinja. 

I am two cars removed from my beloved Element. It still turns my head when one drives by. Great ski trips, dog parks -never a worry. Utilitarian, bulletproof (unless someone runs a yellow across two lanes trying to get to Lowes BUT MY experience may not be representative of others).  Bring back the E as an E car with

I played one round of Diaper Change simulator 2022 (Cloth Service Edition) and was immediately hooked on these. Thinking of having a third just to apply to rl.


2022!? I remember watching S1 the Christmas lights episode on Halloween night after the trick or treaters stopped ringing the bell -it was perfect. I quietly hoped they would have this season ready for October.

So I am guessing check-in will be at 4 (say Friday) and checkout at 11a on day 3 (say Sunday). For $6k, not sure I would be willing to wait around the actual park too much. If I am paying 6k, I would want to enjoy it -no different than a 5 star beach resort, and enjoying it is an awfully short time period. 

A former boss of mine had a G4 that would ferry others around when he didn’t use it. Brittney used it for a trip to Hawaii and when nearing OGG, paps contacted the pilots (in flight) asking to confirm the passengers on board. Our best guess is someone from the ground at the origin leaked she was enroute. I feel like

Came here for this. I remember this as the Toni, Toni, Toni game. Pip getting underpaid by Krause was a crime and clearly affected the entire team after watching The Last Dance. I can’t help wonder if it still upsets him today. Jordan cried after Paxson hit the big shots against the Lakers, Pip is whining. Also, I

I was in Hawaii last week and all the adds were changed to “local Kauai politicians don’t want you to know..!” ....but the photos weren’t changed and had these mega white guys in full suits at some podium inside some generic boardroom. I feel for whoever clicks on these.

Almost as if nature is naturally selecting organisms that are incapable of adapting to the changing environment, then KILLING them. Hmmm.