Deadspin in Carbonite (& Jezebel & Kotaku now)

Oh the humanity of this post

They can’t get their systems to align? Have they checked their Konami ID? What about their Konami password? These are different from their system login and password and in no way connected to their PSN.

Lose it for real or maintain slim majority? Either way it is a major backfire on her part to call the elections.

Just the temperature control setting as we only have heat for nest no cameras or doorbell systems.

Daily. Alexa play “into the wild soundtrack”. I also have it linked to my nest for heat which is really handy when I’m on another floor than the thermostat (“Alexa set main floor heat to 74 degrees”). We also use it for timers in kitchen and weather forecast.

I question their kids ability to play. Bunch of benchwarmers that family is. How about you drink some sunny delight there to stay hydrated on those sidelines.

Everyone get some comfortable running shoes, this isn’t a marathon, it’s one of those run through the night endurance things. Key to know: it’s very very early which is why republicans want you to think it’s late in the game and they still have not found evidence of collusion. Strong likelihood this could be years

Dams breaking? Fox must be speaking allegorically, which does not suit their audience well.

Someone please tell me someone, somewhere is taking screenshots of Fox News for future generations to look upon in awe.

So influenced, I sent you $10 from my Fyre bracelet.

So does this confirm where Hulk and Thor were during Civil War?

Kristen Bell appeared in my Houzz feed for a basement remodel. No stone has been left untouched on this journey to KriDax.

While we’re on the topic, Michael and Janet should get credit for TLC’s video.

Analogies aren’t your thing are they?

Floor plans are secret? In many cities you can find them at the building permit office...or a realtor website with listings.

I'm here because you called David Bowie a liar and claimed he wasn't a good person and I just wanted to post to the lowest common denominator post of the day...-and it's Election Day at that.

You ASS. I was telling someone about the 4th & 26th playoff game a couple weeks ago after the Seahawks blew the game to the Cowboys.

That was perhaps the worst officiating I have ever seen. When the Pac whatever number now, announced they would deal with the officials internally I always wondered what they actually did. Jesus that was a horrendous end.

Pretty sure every owner that wants to cash out right now is looking for something remotely racist in their sent box. How many hundreds of millions would it take to come up with one for yourself? For $300-$400 mil I am sure I could find SOMETHING.

Whew..... -Anthony Mason