Deadspin in Carbonite (& Jezebel & Kotaku now)

This is BS. Wait until Reds Stein Day on Sept 6 and post the same photo. PACKED HOUSE GUARANTEED.

I see this getting 50+ stars. Not enough for a 1up, but very fine work nonetheless.

I saw him in a small club here in Seattle -he seemed to be making it up as he went and was bringing the house down. Line I remember the most: "when people told you to stick it where the sun don't shine you took it too literal."

Is this the 'Why Your Team Sucks 2014: Minnesota Vikings' article?

The last time Germany annihilated an entire country...

Can you repeat the part about serving two masters? I missed it.

"draw Germany" so you were watching a different match then. Good to know.

Someone waiving?

I have a work-boner now.

$339,900 in Seattle? Even in the cheaper hipster-free hills that would be the find of a lifetime.

We've been waiting for you.

Now playing

Perfect Strangers. Wait for the STAAAANDING TAAAAAAL bit. But my personal favorite was easily Cheers.

I am so tired of sequels.



Agreed what is next? Ceilingfanboy will appear from the digital ashes?

Thankfully you can tell everyone that you own these material possessions.

This also seems to be the NBC Olympics script as well.

It must be tiring scouring the internet for things to rage about.