Deadspin in Carbonite (& Jezebel & Kotaku now)

Right now I need two apps to buy movie tickets online since the big chains apparently have different deals with Flixster and Fandango. Even with those two apps some theaters still require me to talk to stand in line to speak with a headsetted-teenager . Another purely frustrating caveat: there is a ticketmaster-esq

Forgive me but what is NFC?

The tiered structure of watching pay channels is my deterrent. I subscribe to HBO and Showtime when Dexter / Boardwalk Empire / Shameless are up and running then throttle it back to save. I just hope the shows I miss are available on demand when I restart this fall.

That was my first thought as well.

Water water everywhere and nor any drop to drink...

There were also rumors that Allen -who had been looking to unload his Trailblazers and The Rose Garden for some time, would bring his team north and not request public financing for it. Many embraced the departure citing the already high cost of a game, which would only grow with a new stadium. One element left out,

Metal Gear is about to get Jar Jar'd.

Shin splints do suck...until you hurt your IT Band. I'm in week 6 of PT and have lost my chance at the marathon I was training for. Be sure to cross train when running long distances, all the weight of your upperbody needs to be supported somewhere other than your legs or hips (abs, glutes etc.).

Ugh. I need a new grill, but I usually like to do more research than pickup whatever is on sale. But. It's. So. Tempting. Smell of corn on grill. so...close.

I saw Mission Impossible in IMAX just to see 8 minutes of Rising uncut. The entire crowd was in awe of the scene we watched. When I say awe...I mean ABSOLUTE FUCKING AWE. I would have returned just to watch the scene again, but word must have spread as it was nearly sold out for the remainder of the scheduled

Awesome. My wife and I are beginning our pre-baby budgeting this weekend too. $150/month for the 5 channels we watch was at the top of the chopping list.

Thats odd. I thought science was outlawed in Texas.

This might cost me a couple hundred bucks. I would have jumped right now if Yoda says "That is why you fail" when it is turned off. Gotta log off now and get my credit card away from the computer.

I remember the PS3 release...and the subsequent months after. I had a $600 bluray player with no blurays and Rampart from the PSN. Let us hope the developers avoid the dearth of games that accompanied the PS3 release. Also the likely $70+ price per game for "next gen" games (with no option to resell).

I. Can't. Read. Article. About. Child. hood. Game. Eye. keeps leaving. To. Annoying. Fez. Blinking.

Few are attempting to edit photos on ipods, ipod touches, and iphones, and I don't recall seeing commercials advertising as such.

I'm getting a +1 this October! Any word on how my gaming time will suffer? Will I notice? I broke out of MW3 and started cramming other longer games in preparation of only having 30m sessions here and there (MGS HD Collection).

I was looking forward to an expandable memory slot, and that didn't even make the list. I feel so out of touch with what to be angered with.

A newbie future DSLR owner question: How are the photos from a camera placed on the ipad? It seems counter-intuitive to slide my memory card into my mac, tether (or Icloud?) the photo to the ipad to do touch-ups. Are these editing programs primarily for the photos taken on the ipad? Would weekend photogs use this