Deadspin in Carbonite (& Jezebel & Kotaku now)

Because I had a wedding and then went to Italy and then moved. Besides, when has Sony ever done something on time?

It's just not the same announcement of an announcement without an announcement website with a field of grass and an electrical storm full of clues that made no sense before or after the reveal.

If the game developers also drilled for oil THEN Fox news would be happy to hand out "tax payers money" in the form of tax breaks and grants. Because big oil is suffering of late and they need our financial assistance currently.

I got into Dexter after the PSN offered an episode for free two summers ago. Since then I completely caught up via blockbuster and when the que was too long, I bought individual episodes through the PSN. Now I subscribe to Showtime to catch new episodes as they are released, something I never would have done without

Impressive Sony. I would have killed for Peacewalker as I am going to buy it anyway for my long haul flights coming up. Liberation is great for long flights where you feel the need to blow shit up for those who need an idea. I'm looking forward to Mod Nation and some other game.

Announcements about announcements are about the only thing I hate more than teasers. I'll keep reading the updates on leaked information for actual news (thanks Kotaku!). Plus, I have little good will toward Activision so it's additionally poetic.

Thank you. Now that I think about it, was he setup by the jealous Thorpe, in the server room, with the wire-cutters? *hint

Is that Waits? What film is this from?

Is that? No. Can't be, can it? Is he holding the power cord to PSN servers?

@RoFFL3s: they do have them, but i believe they are for debriefing purposes. The more interesting thing: there is a helmet cam of geronimo taking two hot ones.

I was reading an account that seal team six knew they didn't need to secure the upper floors because the family was up there while Geronimo was below due to advanced satellite technology.

Well. He did have 420 in his handle...those guys are a rarity, and they are ALWAYS right. It is hereby affirmed to be the cause.

So anonymous really is a spineless bully, the type of organization they themselves want to battle with from their basement apartment. I doubt they understand the irony of what they've become.

Wasn't there the legendery Boolosof (8001050F) breakdown about a year ago or so which last 24 hours, whereupon they learned it was a calendar programming issue..because it happened a year earlier.

Vous Sortez Du Secteur Americain

Oh man, that's heavy.

QoS is on Showtime all this month (watching it now actually). The Bourne affect is definitely noticeable in a positive and necessary way. I enjoyed Pierce..until the Halle Barry / turn a jet sled into a surfboard flick. QoS served to setup and extend what little we knew about Quantum from Casino Royale.

I'll never buy another Canon. I bought a P&S two years ago for my fiance. The screws holding the wrist leash completely came out while she was holding it and it crit striked the pavement just 9 months after purchasing it. Getting it repaired through their warranty was a royal pain.

You know what would be great Mr. Bowie? A 2011 tour.

@Booji-Boy: Hey I went to High School and University in Madison, and my parents moved to Oregon Wisc, after I graduated. Nothing wrong with Madtown -I'd love to be there to watch the game tomorrow. No matter where I travel everyone has good things to say about Madison. That can't be said for many midwestern locales.