Deadspin in Carbonite (& Jezebel & Kotaku now)

Looking forward to my first foray into this genre. Cannot wait to get some Bryne/Talking Heads action going. And someday, I feel Bruuuuuce will find his way as well.

@ilos: 100,000 douches packed together collectively to cheer on an insufferable program stuck on history that is 15 years old. For most, this would be prison. Not as bad a sentence as say South Bend however.

@DangerousLiberal: PA wanted a heli pad which the City (probably through the neighbors opposition) wouldn't allow. So he bought a boat to dock off the land which has helipad access to ferry him to Boeing Field or his yachts..from what I heard.

Pacific Sun was Jamirquio'd.

Psych 101 I learned that all-nighters don't work out. And so I would typically knock off around midnight and wake up around 6a for the big accounting and finance exams. Don't miss them at all.

So is this finally the end of the Lost fad?

What? They don't have a Lindsay Lohan or a new (third really) mosque at ground zero to manufacture rage over?

A 1-up. Congrats!

That looks absolutely beautiful. Despite having a gameworks literally two blocks from my work, I haven't been in an arcade in years.

Saw it Friday night and had no clue the following it already had.

Oregon, Washington's only line of defense from the Californians. Sadly it seems Oregon is too porous as many have penetrated the defense and made through. Wanna be the life of a party? Compare everything to California. How is it a state that spends its life behind the wheel of a car, can be so bad at driving?

@nootron: I lived in Fl for 10 years growing up. It didn't occur to me until I moved north that cities exist that aren't empty strip mall after empty strip mall surrounding packed to the gils Wal-Marts. LeBron hasn't/won't see that Florida, I doubt he'll even learn what alligator alley is. He'll live the Florida life

"you don't have to be so fast in WC3"

If Americans were aware that gas prices are a 1/4 of the US prices, for our metric neighbors we'd already be converted.

I kind of liked the server going down. It reminded me of what the internet was before it was hooked up to the world wide web.

*Embarrassingly removes from rental queue, and adds to purchase queue while pondering Peace Walkers resultant fate before going to bed.

It hasn't hit 75 yet this "summer" here in Seattle. I don't remember it being this late before. Three weeks ago, I was so annoyed I hoped on a last minute $300 rt fare to Maui for a week and that helped. We're totally paying for having little to no winter this year. Karma is like that.

I think they should be banned on account of the tremendous home field advantage they've produced for the African countries playing -they're absolutely unstoppable!