Seattle Dan

“If its worth doing, then its worth over doing.”

I hope people never stop sharing this. 

I feel like this video should be automatically added to any story about NFTs.

It’s less of a list and more of a bottomless scroll.

Probably not the first time a “Crystal Symphony” as be sought for arrest.

Because crypto fucking sucks and the only people that think otherwise are the ones buying into the scheme?

Because it’s cheaper than replacing all their crappy altimeters. They’ve had more than two years to update their planes, they’re just trying to extend their capital expenditures out as long as possible.

There’s a 400 MHz gap between the 5G C-band frequencies being rolled-out (3.6-3.8 GHz) and the airlines’ altimeters (4.2-4.4 GHz), which is more than double what the airlines originally requested. If altimeters are running so far out of their registered range then the issue is with the airlines and not 5G.

The original Final Fantasy 7 had an MSRP of $49.99. That’s $86.57 in 2021 dollars.

I wonder if there’s anyone that’s a big fan of Orks that doesn’t get it...

My God. Looking at Mike then and Mike now is like looking in a fucking mirror. And it doesn’t make me feel better about myself at all. 2015 Mike was so young, and chipper, and full of optimism. 2021 Mike looks like he’s been through a pandemic with a kid or two and is just trying to survive. He’s lived through a Trump

Hey man, she’s just a free thinking, rugged individualist who did her own research.

At first I was thinking that maybe there was pressure to produce that came from the either her employer or the navy but this

somebody has to make a game based on real world economics so that Angry Gamers will solve income inequality

I’m not sure who will be giving these guys funding, since all it takes is one online storm — “did you SEE who they hired?” — for that investment to suddenly look a lot less secure and offer much worse ROI.

This is not an industry with a shortage of people who haven’t been accused of this stuff. Those other people will

There are a lot of identifiable current and former senior leadership in that top pic. No one in fall of 2013 holding a picture of Bill Cosby could possibly be confused about the message they were sending.

I think we’re going to see a lot of these assholes moving on to explore new opportunities, like sitting at home

Gotta set them off in the neighborhood as an example, right?

Because they spent taxpayer dollars on a sweet new toy and they really wanted to use it. Sure, it makes more sense to try and neutralize them and then detonate them in a hole in the desert, but that’s a lot less fun.