I only rub my chopsticks together when they are clearly rough and splintery, which does occasionally happen with cheap chopsticks stateside.
I only rub my chopsticks together when they are clearly rough and splintery, which does occasionally happen with cheap chopsticks stateside.
I did, not ashamed, not all art needs to be highbrow.
Also high art is pretty great.
“Liberal Tears brand gauze” aka Obamacare :D
You have it very backwards:
Somebody has been listening to too much Scroobius Pip:
Cockatoos may not be able to kill you individually, but they can certainly take a finger clean off, and they would probably enjoy killing you slowly if they could.
You don’t honestly believe that Trump supporters can parse that difference, do you?
Indeed. I’m a software engineer as well and work quite a bit with REST APIs. The fact that they aren’t even making an attempt at authentication or security here is crazy. What kind of amateur-hour software engineers are they hiring to write this stuff!?
You have the right to feel very, very smug.
Not really, because:
1) For the Republican candidates we already know where they stand on banking regulations (regulations BAD!)
2) For Senator Sanders we already know he’s never given a speech for hundreds of thousands of dollars to a major banking cartel member
So the question is very, very relevant to Senator/SecState…
With an insulated hard-top this would make for an amazing wilderness camping/adventure vehicle for really tough wilderness. Denali Wilderness in winter, anybody?
Just needs to carry some extra fuel tanks.
Turn AA completely off. I’m running the game smoothly with everything all the way up except shadows (on high instead of extreme) and AA off, and I’m just on a $130 GeForce GTX950.
As you learn the game better you will also start realizing that if your squad got killed because of a single missed shot, you’d made a positioning mistake before you ever took the shot.
I’m serious. The real trick of playing XCOM 2 isn’t just accepting that sometimes a shot you really needed is going to miss (yes, I…
Also for those of you who haven’t tried it yet, the game is amazing. I’ve put in about 6 hours so far (and now I’m stuck at work!) and it’s even better than I’d hoped, and it’s been my most anticipated game for over two years.
Because no amount of privilege can fix stupid
They are run by a bunch of old white guys who’ve been sexually harassing women all their lives so they don’t see the big deal and would rather fight it in court.
This is absolutely fucking correct.
I eagerly await DoubleFine’s announcement in a year that they’ve already run out of money and thus will be releasing the game in 5 episodic pieces.
We’ve already established that DWS is a dumb and bad person so it’s unsurprising that she holds additional dumb and bad opinions we didn’t know about until now.
Dear DNC: maybe you should get rid of her.
And the corollary, just because you love a car does not mean it is a good car.