

I’m so sorry. It’s a sad thing to lose a family member like that.

I feel like all I’ve done in the comments lately is tell people to go fuck themselves but if the shoe keeps fitting...

Couldn’t send someone unless the guy actually went inside? WTF? I’m glad he didn’t get inside.

Sex and gender are different, darlin. They should’ve mentioned that in your bio classes.

It’s so obvious in the block quote that he’s being very, very deliberate in his use of the terminology. Your skepticism is totally unfounded and actually pretty fucking cynical. You’re making this about you and your personal experiences when it’s really clear the guy knew exactly what he was saying and said it with

Not really. Not when the family you “have doubts” about is well known and has a very well-documented and easily verifiable history of supporting their transgender/gender fluid sibling. This isn’t some anonymous person from an j known family. Before making unkind assumptions about grieving siblings, you could have

If you have never seen LAST EXIT TO BROOKLYN, check it out immediately.

It’s neither fair, nor appropriate, nor decent, nor logical given the overwhelming evidence that the Arquette family supported all of Alexis’ transitions. Your doubts are based on nothing other than your own self involvement, nice try though.

I wasn’t sure if I should be outraged or not when I read the reference. But now I’m outraged that they made me feel outraged so I can join in with the other outraged comments.

Totally stealing the idea of having gathered relatives cheer at the moment of bodily disengagement. Beautiful sendoff.

“Gender suspicious” is a glorious phrase.

I’ll always associate her with <i>Last Exit to Brooklyn,</i> a superbly acted but very rough movie (from the author of <i>Requiem for a Dream</i>, no less). RIP.

Alexis’s family was very supportive and close with him/her; I highly doubt they would have referred to Alexis in a manner that was disrespectful of Alexis’s wishes and preference.

I kind of read the exact opposite from this statement. It feels like Alexis’s brother was being very careful in his use of language and was very respectful of Alexis’s preferences/wishes.

But they said, Our brother and then our sister and then our brother... so seems like they were recognizing what alexis wanted.

I looked it up and apparently, David stated on Kocktails with Khloe that Alexis stopped referring to themselves as as trans and said that they were gender suspicious and used male or female pronouns based on how they were dressed. I imagine that the choices in the statement were purposeful and respectful of Alexis’

Maybe Alexis identified as co-gender at the end? That would explain the doubled pronouns.

That’s awful, I’m so sorry you had to go through that.