Completely agree. I found that part of her quote odd. Everyone seems to be making (poor) excuses for him.
Completely agree. I found that part of her quote odd. Everyone seems to be making (poor) excuses for him.
This is like something from a horror movie. Like if there was another season of Hannibal (I reall wish there was) this guy’s house would be in it.
Everyone seems to be cutting him slack because he died of Alzheimers, but reading the article, he seemed like a selfish racist sexist dick his whole life. A genuinely unlikeable crank.
From the linked article:
At least nowadays your husbands and boyfriends can hide their bizarre and shameful fetishes on their electronic devices where no one has to look at them, right guys?
Surprised they didn’t have mysterious ‘accidents’
This is what Wisconsin does to you
Jesus Christ those nipples.
This kinda feels like this crossing the line. What the woman did was wrong, ironic, kinda funny, but she didn’t harm anyone, and I thought her getting fired in the first place was too much.
I think his kindness about your anxiety is coloring too much of your view. I was all “nope” before the rumor.
New cat (Lady Gaga) is having a hard time adjusting and has to wear the cats pajamas to stop her over-grooming. It is sad and also hilarious. But it makes me feel like I can’t scold her because she’s all traumatized. As a result the house rules (ie no cats on tables, be nice to your sister) are not really being…
One of mine did and it wasn’t even noticed until someone did a scan later for other reasons. It explained some symptoms I’d had, but fortunately it hadn’t been a big deal, though as you know they can be.
It is normal to have some random bleeding with a Mirena. However I have to ask, have you had a pregnancy test? If not I’m sure your gyn will do one. There is always a TINY chance of pregnancy with any IUD, and an increased risk of ectopic. Make sure your gyn checks a QHCG, which measures the amount of pregnancy…
Yeah, trying to soak in all the people telling me I made a difference, and that the bad times were long forgotten for him.
Medical stuff: we switched to a new doctor this week and my husband asked me to go with him. He brought up that he thought something was wrong because he’s been having “bloody stool for a while.” I thought a while meant a month or two, based on how long it usually takes him to bring this type of stuff up. The doc…
Aw, yeah. You always hope to be able to give ‘em as much good time as possible when they’ve had it tough earlier!
So, we put one of my dogs to sleep this weekend. He’d been battling cancer, went through chemo, which had stopped working, and it was time.
I couldn’t place who the middle Trump reminded me of...then it hit me.
Who knew V.C. Andrews was in the writing business again?
Forgot, this also came across one of my feeds the other day. Figured pretty much everyone would get a kick out of it