Space Marine is kindof a horde mode singleplayer game with a multiplayer horde mode.
Space Marine is kindof a horde mode singleplayer game with a multiplayer horde mode.
Don’t forget Mordheim which is an incredible one of a kind game. It’s going to be GOTY 2016 for a lot of sites most likely.
There’s the easy to kill ones that pour out of everywhere, there’s armored ones that are hard to kill, there’s some with just helmits on that are slightly harder to kill than normal ones, there’s boss ones that cover all the types from L4D, and thet’s pretty much it except for the Grey Seer final boss who I guess is…
I used to be a big Zelda fan. Not anymore. This is the first Zelda game I have zero intrest in.
Gotta please the social justice fanatics or else you will get yelled at, bullied, and harassed by these bloggers like they did with Dragon’s Crown. Unless you are ActiBlizz ofcourse. They pay protection money to Kotaku so they don’t get called out on their history homophobia, sexism, and general old ways of thinking…