searching with my good eye closed

For all those skepticals, MeeGo does not look bad at all. And to Adrian Covert, be better informed and be a journalist first and fanboy second. Just constructive criticism.

@Vanilla-Terror: Funny thing is that they used to (most of them were very expensive watches but I didn't care because I absolutely love them all, even though I cannot afford them). But now is not so often. I also wish they could bring back those crazy looking-and-expensive-as-house watches.

I have to drive 70 miles (round trip on highway) and takes me between 30-35 minutes commute to get to work and the same amount of time to get back home. So yeah, how about NO? I still have to drive no matter how high gas is.

The only thing I don't like about WP7 is that black stripe on the right. Can they us that for notification or anything else? Seriously, I don't know why they keep if they don't use it. (and the arrow does not count since a swipe to the left takes you to the app window)

Do you mean #4 (the one with the red thing on her head)? Yeah, she didn't need much. Just a bit more make up and a good photographer. To be honest, I'll hit that.

I'll give you that his personal problems overshadowed his football player career, but a great player (in my reasoning) is test on field and Garringa is among the best, if not the best (my own opinion of course), to have embrace the beautiful sport. I mean, if we judge a player by their personal life, Maradona would be

@frodoisdead: Sorry dude but Manuel Francisco dos Santos (aka Garrincha) is the greatest player of all time.

@jeebs: Nerds are gonna hate.

@aja175: Being pretty or handsome? Yes, I went that far.

@JDickson87: If you are not from Brazil, then you might be safer.

Can someone, with a twitter account, tell LulzSec to go after RIAA? Please?

@Sphinxks: So selling over seventy million is fail? Then I guess that the Wii is fail by your standard right. Also the biggest sellers on the DS are games developed by Nintendo itself.

Let me guess, he was playing a PSV (Play Station Vendetta).

@Krakn3Dfx: Just replying to you to ask if you can elaborate on why you think this kind of relationship is creepy. Take into account the way Jullian was raised and the kind of biological parents that she had.

Does anybody know the screen is resistive or capacitive? It looks kind of dark and it uses stylus, so I am betting on resistive. Also it will help keep costs down. But I can't tell what it is. Can somebody help me on this? :)

@darkside31337: Isn't e-reader a whole lot cheaper than an iPad. Also the screen is more suitable for reading. Just saying.