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So Lisa, got a bike? Then come join us. Get On The Snake.

@Golgari: But can it simulate 3D? You and me and everybody else know that's the most expensive aspect of the 3DS. If it wasn't because of the screen, it would have been a better DS and nothing more. Also the iPod touch is a great device for casual gaming but, until it has some other way to play it besides touching the

So, will Episode 3 be the game we'll use as reference everytime we talk about a long delay? Just asking since Duke Nuken finally is going to be released. I am not trolling btw.

I think I saw a long time ago that on England tanks can be driven just like a regular car but I may be confusing the country or I may be mistaken. So can some of our English folks clarify this info? Thanks.

@Magnetism: White power FTW, right? But you don't have to worry that Mexicans and minorities in general will work hard so you can have a fresh fruit daily and all the cleaning of your house done. Also, Mexicans will make sure that your cocaine, meth and all the drugs that United State of Americans consume are of the

@anexanhume: Are you kidding? Those wolves would have used that water to suffer less by waterboarding themselves to death.

So apparently some Vibrant owners are getting Froyo tomorrow. Still, Samsung better give regular updates to their headsets or their reputation won't be as good as it did when they released the Galaxy S line

@Hooray4Zoidberg: Well apparently, a day for god is like a 1000 years.

@RandomMacUser: Your rant = FAIL. Like RandomMacUser said, it is about geography. Unless Africa was next to France 30,000 years ago, it is hard to think how this people knew about animals that aren't part of their region.

@Magnetism: Let me guess, you are a member of the KKK.

That is great. All I need now is the Saved By The Bell theme song and I should be all set.

@Asterra: Multiplatform games YES, exclusives NO. And I do agree that a head start and a faulty system(that gets replace because you already own a library of games for that system) is what keeps the 360 over PS3.

@DARTH_TIGRIS: "On Friday we will open the debate up to you, our readers. Over the weekend I will ask the staff of Kotaku to reexamine the arguments made both internally and by you and to recast their vote for game of the year. We will announce that winner and the winner of the reader's choice award on Monday." I

@Lt_gunner: Don't you mean EPIC FAIL because that my friend is the most epic I've seen in a while.

"I don't know what the hell is that purple stuff and I don't want to know." I'd like to say it is Play-Doh.

@...And i'm a Snake.: It depends. If you are Picaso then yes. If you are a nobody then NO.

$300 is a lot of cash for a poster but I understand its value for being a limited number.