searching with my good eye closed

@battra92: Well I am South American so we mostly use metric system. Also all I had to say was said by idogis1. English systems is a bit practical but harder when looking for accuracy. And I prefer to read time in 24H instead of 12H and temperature on Celcius (0 C seems colder that 32 F, don't you think?). One last

@battra92: This is all I have to say... Oh and good luck flying out of your bubble, you are going to need it.

Sony, Sony...Do you think Nintendo is going to make the same mistake twice? Do you remember what happened the first time Nintendo partnered with you? Yep, you almost kill them at their own game...for two consecutive generations. Now, Nintendo is on a roll with their "revolution" mentality and thinking outside the box,

@OCEntertainment: My thought exactly. Kill to birds with one shot. 4G capabilities tested and FaceTime over 4G, possible and better than 3G?

@BergenCountyJC turns 24 today but still too young to rent a car: Well, the Xbox controller is nothing more of a PlayStation controller. Just count how many buttons each controller has, plus what they do. Yep, they are exactly the same.. So I don't think it needs representation since it didn't revolutionize a thing.

Are we there yet???

@Alex_Mexico: Well, coming from south america we "Southamericans" say that Brazilians are great in two things, DANCING AND FOOTBALL. And their talents will go from generation to generation. And the same can be said for Argentinians, FOOTBALL AND PARILLADAS. Take Messi for example, his talent was discovered at an early

@iRaphael: YEP, but only their ego is.

@Alex_Mexico: About Mexico being an underdog, against Argentina, yes...and the same can be said for any not so strong team that faces a stronger team. As I said before, Mexico has a good team and a good league and if you watch any report or debate (in the US at least) people give Mexico so much coverage (I have heard

@Alex_Mexico: Well I knew Gio was mexican, but doesn't he look more brazillian? I just didn't mention that fact because I wanted to imply that his talent can well come from his heritage. About losing against Costa Rica was my mistake. I didn't verify. I should have said Honduras or El Salvador. And yes, they beat

@no computers in texas: Oops my bad. I may have missed that one. It's hard to watch the games while at work.


@no computers in texas: Are you implying that Paraguay will lose against Japan and Portugal will win over Spain. I think you should see a doctor.

Vamos, vamos Argentina,

@Alex_Mexico: Well let start with Mexico. Mexico has a good team and respectable league but they still manage to struggle with teams like Costa Rica. I mean, it isn't like they are playing in South America (CONMEBOL) against Brazil and Argentina to qualify that is why their ticket to SA wasn't in danger. I give a lot

@TheDeadTexan: Now we are talking. I agree with you 100% in all your statements listed above.