searching with my good eye closed

@Eric Scheller: This. I watch the first three days of the world cup without noticing those vuvuzelas. Then yesterday a coworker told me that they were going to ban them and I ask why. She replied because of the loud noise that they make and told her that I hadn't heard it for the whole three days that I had been

@CleverName: Let me guess, you are one of the 300 million + people in the world that still mistakingly calls a particular sport Football instead of Handegg, right?

@Denalin: I know. Also they ditched USB ports but the 360 got more (and that's a better thing to do instead of taking them away)

I say if they charge at most $120-$130, a lot more people will buy it and it will seem more reasonable than at $150. But who am I kidding? This is Microsoft we are talking about.

I say if they charge at most $120-$130, a lot more people will buy it and it will seem more reasonable than at $150. But who am I kidding? This is Microsoft we are talking about.

If it wasn't because it says Xbox 360 on top and in some parts of this spec sheet, I will swear this is a spec sheet for a redesigned PS3. I mean it matches a lot of aspects from the PS3. 1 big fan, shiny with chrome, quiet, swappable hard drive, built in Wifi, it won't include a HDMI cable (only AV cable for I could

Microsoft, I think you spilled some PS3 on my soon to be bought Xbox 360 and, for some odd reason, I like it. I will go well with my first gen PS3 60GB and my black Wii.

Take a closer look here

@Nexus6: Exactly, it should match 95% of TVs so it is the right look.

Now playing

Someone's been practicing for a Star Wars game since his youth so he can also defeat the Jedi. Finally, his dreams will be reality.

@Go Vols!: Why pay for a bad seat when you can watch it nicely on your 60" HDTV?

That 360 looks nice (Alienware-ish design) and I completely am digging it. Kinetic sounds alright. Not a bad name but it seems a bit long to pronounce, I hope people find a way to make it shorter like K'nex or something. I don't own a 360, only a Wii and a PS3 but the built in Wi-fi, 250 GB and redesing (hopefully it

@Mark 2000: Well if you speak spanish,

Nice, I always wanted a very bright light so I can see what's inside my car's gas tank. Totally buying this thing. I'll let you know what I find. And don't worry I'll make sure I wear those safety glasses. You know what they say: "Safety First" or you were thinking I was going to be irresponsible and just plain stupid.

What kills me about 3D TVs is that for each manufacturer their own set of glasses that work only on their TVs. Why don't they make a standard set that works on every TV? I know they may not make enough profit out the TV and that's why they need specific glasses but at least don't charge 150 a pair because that is just