
Karen Gillan, best known for playing Nebula in Guardians of the Galaxy and Amy Pond in Doctor Who.

Who’s the girl in the picture? For uh science of course.

The same way the fucking fireballs she shoots out of her hands do: magic or some shit.

Do you own an iphone or similar device. If so, then yes you can afford it. Same pricing. Good news is that now instead, you guys could simply save for a PC and end the nightmare of console bs. Get savin!

Really? Racist? Late 19th century of unknown origin when using it as gypping someone out of something. If you want to go back farther:

Yes, apparently making a touchscreen intended for children out of soft plastic instead of Gorilla Glass is also a thing.

Remind him to turn off the Wi-Fi so he gets good frame rates.

And....just pulled my Amazon PS4 pre-order.

Cooool story, bro. 10/10 would ignore again.

Ah yes. Even more blow-out-of-proportion-ism with just a dash of White Knight.

AWESOME! I can now pay a ton of money for a game that is basically the same few levels over and over and over with almost no changes! And the game lasts for a whole hour too! WOOHOo! Oh man I forgot about the stuff I can earn to build up my kingdom how I want to so I look at it!

Downloading it

Nintendo Switch: “Zelda”

So strange... I still have my original PS1, PS2, and PS3.

How are you with her when she is no longer in politics or anything else? As far as I know she is just an old woman living in New York. Get on the Bernie Bus. We’re making a run at 2020.

Oh come on now. The tweet was perfectly worded and 100% rational. If he tweeted any other stream-of-consciousness garbage that he usually does we would be railing on him for not taking the day more seriously. And if he tweeted nothing at all there would be an article about how he didn’t even care enough about women to

There is nothing wrong with what he wrote, you took a nice sentiment and threw in a bunch of shit that had nothing to do with it. Grow up

Haha liberal crybabies :) go and suck on Hillary’s saggie tit! :))))))))))

I imagine it was confusing. I couldn't think of another way to describe it, so a quick 'shop is worth a thousand words, in case anyone else is confused.

Man, that took me a while to understand what you were saying.... lol