
Looks like it’s packing Gorgon Stare instead of weapons. I bet there are a lot of Russian technical and policy folks who are debating if shooting one down to get their hands on this hardware is worth the sternly worded letter from John Kerry.

Hey, The Wiggles joined Prime Minister Abe!

I’m pretty sure this face is the Japanese version of this:

Sorry...couldn’t resist. Seriously, though, I think this change in stance and policy with regard to the Japanese military is very positive and timely considering the situation in the South China Sea and overall in APAC. I, for one, applaud it and welcome them to the fold as a full-blown ally.

Stability, to keep it pointed in the right direction and not twisting from the suspension cable

“Dang it, Rock again?”

I never watch light night TV, but Colbert has been killing it. I may have to start tuning in. This was great.

The issue is that N. Korea has like 55,000 artillery and rocket pieces along the DMZ, Iron Dome is not made to intercept anything even approaching that number, it would be swarms of 1000s of artillery shells. Also keep in mind each Tamir interceptor costs like $60k and they are fired in salvos at a single target

Here is mine.

good luck for the reviewer because there are already a lot of challengers, and not only on Kotaku.